How strong movements are born - page 5

bank >> :

For the capitalist, money is first and foremost a parking space.

>> the U.S. is gonna die, they're gonna park in yuan.

there will still be money to be spread around in cups. otherwise they don't work, they don't bring in new money. they shouldn't be parked for long.

Mischek >> :

The confusion is probably due to the fact that money has several properties at the same time

including the properties of a commodity and the properties of a measure.

yes. the philistine notion of money has to be burned out of you. but how to do it definitively if you buy cigarettes every morning.

Mischek >> :

parking is expensive (inflation)

Good money constantly in operation ( profits above inflation)

cache is for suckers

bonds same cache plus small interest

and inflation is a separate issue... we need to wipe out all the Rothschilds so that central banks lend at zero percent

HideYourRichess >> :

there's still going to be money in the cups. otherwise they don't work, they don't bring in new money. they shouldn't be parked for long.

If you're always stupidly parked in a bai on stocks or futures, you'll lose out in the "sit on a chair" game.



Clear signs of the emergence of strong moves:

  • Volumes increase as the trading channel narrows
  • The trading channel reaches its minimum value
DC2008 >> :


Clear signs of the emergence of strong moves:

  • Volumes increase as the trading channel narrows
  • The trading channel reaches its minimum value

After the news release, there are often very strong moves, but not everyone is able to profit from the news.

In other words, just knowing that a strong movement is coming is not enough.

VictorArt писал(а) >>

After a news release, there are often very strong moves, but not everyone is able to capitalise on the news.

In other words, just knowing that a strong move is coming is not enough.

That is, you also need to know the direction?

Mischek >> :


Open University of Life Lessons

The Bible is the ideological basis of global fascism

"Thou shalt not give to thy brother (by context a fellow Jew) any silver, nor
The man who is not a Jew, thou shalt give at interest, that the LORD thy God (i.e., the Jew) may give at interest.

The words "lord" and "god" in the selection of citations we have cited are everywhere written.
God, if we look at the being of a usurious parasite in good conscience, which is why the words "God" and "lord" in the selection of quotations we have quoted are not capitalized.
With thy hands upon the earth, into which thou goest, to possess it" (the latter applies not only to the antiquity, but not only to the vows
antiquity and not only to the Palestine promised to the ancient Jews, for it is not taken from the
report on the deciphering of a single scroll of medical history found at the excavation of an ancient
mental hospital, but from a modern, mass-published book promoted by all Churches and

by some part of the "intelligentsia" as eternal truth, supposedly given from above), -
Deuteronomy 23:19, 20. "...and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow
And thou shalt lend to many people, and thou shalt not lend to thyself.
And the Lord thy God shall make thee a head, and not a tail: and thou shalt be on high, and not
And I will make thee a head and not a tail, and thou shalt not be under, if thou shalt obey the commandments of the LORD thy god, which I command thee to keep
I command thee today to keep and to do, and thou shalt not depart from all the words which I command thee today.
I command you today, neither to the right hand nor to the left, to walk in the path of other gods, and to serve them" Deuteronomy 28:12 - 142.
Deuteronomy 28:12 - 142. "Then the sons of the foreigners (i.e., the succeeding generations of non-Jews, whose ancestors
The children of Israel, the children of Israel, and the children of the Israelites, the children of Israel, the children of Israel.
your walls (so many Palestinian Arab families are now dependent on being able to travel to
to work in Israel) and their kings will serve you ("I am the Jew of kings," was the objection of one
of one of the Rothschilds to an unfortunate compliment to him: "You are the king of the Jews"); for in my wrath I have smitten you.
For in my wrath I have smitten thee; but in my goodness I will be gracious to thee. And thy gates shall be opened,
and shall not be shut, day or night, that the goods of the nations may be brought unto thee.
and their kings shall be brought to thee. For nations and kingdoms that will not serve thee shall perish,
and such nations shall be utterly destroyed," Isaiah 60:10-12.

DC2008 >> :

So you also need to know the direction?

>> no, you don't.
DC2008 >> :

So you also need to know the direction?

If you know the direction, you can put a small stop loss and a big target.

If you don't know the direction, you need to calculate the stop loss more carefully in some way so that it is not accidentally hit.

In general, it is changing from one stop to another and on average we get 50/50 on a long period, i.e. breakeven at most.

According to our tests, it is impossible to predict the direction, i.e. we are not aware of any methods that could do that.

Theoretically, the impossibility to predict the direction follows from the lack of inertia property of the price.

Many people think that inertia of the price exists, but in fact it doesn't. Inertia in the price is an illusion.

In other words, the price "movement" can stop at any moment and also instantly change its direction to the opposite.

It is impossible to foresee the moment of change of the movement direction with sufficient accuracy for making a profit.