How strong movements are born - page 4

DC2008 >> :

How would you enter the market with, say, $100 million - what, all at once? That's how you could bring it down.

I don't want to speculate on this subject. I know the strategy and tactics of high volume trading only by hearsay. But going into a low liquid market - heh heh, I did, yeah. I don't do that anymore. And I don't recommend it to anyone. Although, if the goal is exactly to move...
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A strong price movement is a strong imbalance of supply and demand. There can be a lot of demand and a lot of supply and the price will "stand still". Directly, sales activity is not affected, although of course some correlation can be seen. This is a clarification, not a denial.

cash and bonds on one side and everything else on the other
cups galore!
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cups galore!

>> no, they're cups.)


Imho since the result of any business is measured in money, any traded thing has a price in money, you get two cups

one with money in the other with a set of financial products.

There are only cups, money is just an instrument of exchange between those cups. Ы?
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There are only cups, money is just an instrument of exchange between those cups. Ы?

For the capitalist, money is first and foremost a parking space

The U.S. will die and they'll park in yuan.

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There are only cups, money is just an instrument of exchange between those cups. Ы?


>> you run out of your podchat to the side of the money

>> you turn into money according to market conditions.

in money form, you run back and get into a new cup.

bank >> :

for the capitalist, money is first and foremost a parking space

the U.S. will die, they'll park in yuans.

parking is expensive (inflation)

Good money constantly in work ( profits above inflation)


The confusion is probably due to the fact that money has several properties at the same time

including the properties of a commodity and the properties of a measure