I get the idea, you make the advisor. - page 7

rid >> :

Granite, if you don't want a woman from the suggested ones, here's a good book (A.Bushkov, "Taiga and Zone") - easy, quick and non-demanding to read.

From my series "Taiga thriller" (I collect this series).

Prices seem to be falling... From quid to women, and now it's all down to "The book is the best present!

And I had enough taiga in Sakhalin, where I spent the winter in the wilderness, and there was nothing to read but such books.

Mischek >> :

Let's recap.

Vinin built a grail - sent down and chained

>> rid violated the code, got magic writings from Client -Vinin was dumped and sent down, he tries to get rid of the warden by giving him non-profile counsels ( 4 pieces )

Yeahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa business, and they also say forex makes good money (shamelessly lying).

Mischek >> :

Then Granite (Codex keeper) flies the coop.

Have rid give the woman to Granite.

So that's what the slave trade is like, mmm, all new.

Are you planning a women's auction?

Or is it a global slave market?


Pegasmaster >> :

So that's how it is - the slave trade, mmm, all new.

Are you planning a women's auction?

Or is it just, like, a global slave market?


Excuse me, are you thinking of selling someone?

Mischek >> :

Excuse me, are you trying to sell someone?

I'd like to buy some :)

As the saying goes, "To sell something you don't need, you first have to buy something you don't need. And we don't have any money."

So, only natural exchange. A bag of potatoes and a jar of cucumbers, on the line! :)))))) Just kidding :)

A guy brings home a girl to meet his folks.

"Mum, this is Katya, she can cook, clean, do laundry and is a great hostess!"

"Well then let him come on Tuesdays and Fridays for 200 quid a month" :)

Pegasmaster >> :

I'd like to buy some :)

As the saying goes, "To sell something you don't need, you first have to buy something you don't need. And we don't have any money."

So, only natural exchange. A bag of potatoes and a can of cucumbers, on the line! :)))))) Just kidding.)

Well, he's got 4 of them, he's trading them for potatoes by weight.

And the cucumbers to me.

I'll give the jar back later

Mischek >> :

So rid has four of them, he trades them by weight, for potatoes.

And the cucumbers for me

I'll give you a jar later.

Cucumbers, in this case, as a trade snack. A litre from the vendor, cucumbers from me (my mother used an old recipe, crispy, with horseradish, dill, garlic and cherry and currant leaves, rare these days, mmmmm)



I'm out of cucumbers .....

The magic system of six advisers - to him, the Vinin grail - for free, the Guardian's fine - for nothing, the women - for potatoes, but the worst thing is

the old recipe, crispy cucumbers with horseradish, dill, garlic and cherry and currant leaves, rare these days, mmmmm) - to him, too.

Mischek >> :


I'm out of cucumbers .....

The magic system of six advisers - to him, the Vinin grail - for free, the Guardian's fine - for nothing, the women - for potatoes, but the worst thing is

the old recipe, crispy cucumbers with horseradish, dill, garlic and cherry and currant leaves, a rarity these days, mmmmm) - >> him, too.

No, well, in principle, cucumbers to whoever comes first with a litre. But only half a jar!


The author of the thread sent me a description of his method. Finally !

"Like a decent person" i won't tell anyone the secret of course !

No! Don't even ask! I'll keep quiet like a partisan under interrogation.

I'll start "making money" today to spite all the jealous people. And not just one, but six councillors!

Let the capitalist hydra of the Forex market shake in helpless rage!

Let the enemy tremble before a solid, profitable march of a slender horde of six advisors!

Banner in hand, a drum on the neck, and forward!