Prediction on "accelerator" and "fibo" - page 20

Borisytch >>:

Не думаю, что стоит фильтровать результаты расчетов "ускорителя" работающего на двух барах, значениями АТR запаздывающим на 14 баров.

On two bars is in the original idea (by the way velocity is the difference of the two wands), currently the calculation stretches from the ZZ extremum (dynamically). Of course ATR is just an option, an attempt to do volatility-dependent filtering. We can also take a statistical approach: we can measure volatility by standard deviation (by BB for example). The ATR period is the smoothing period of True Range, but not the lag, although one entails the other. Here, imho, we need to find a balance between noise and lag.

Borisytch >>:

Согласитесь, что повторять на каждой странице этой ветки ... основную идею расчета (прогноза) движения цены не целесообразно.

Санек, у тебя есть какая то своя идея и видение применения линий фибо - открывай свою ветку и успехов тебе в разработке темы!


Еще раз повторяю, меня интересует зависимость дальности движения цены от параметров на первом отрезке ... здесь еще недостает объемов..., да много еще чего недостает.

Для проверки идеи на истории я и обратился к сообществу, результаты меня полностью устраивают!

Всем принявшим участие - огромная благодарность!

Обсуждение вроде - "а вот давайте еще так попробуем" я не поддерживаю.

Объяснять элементарные вещи вроде "а почему 23%" - считаю потерей времени! ... если вы помните, то ряды фибоначчи имеют определенную зависимость, а не берутся с "потолка" и немного смешно когда у человека возникают подобные вопросы ...

Don't be angry with me about what I said, I didn't mean to make you nervous, I just have my own opinion. As for the dependence of the range of the price, from the parameters on the first segment, I can say that here you are wrong and in this regard I have my own opinion. And to the same what to know where the projectile will arrive need to know where the shot came from (this is assuming that you shoot in an open field), and if the projectile is in the way of how many obstacles (which obstacle is able to reflect the blow, which will not), here it you do not take into account.


На двух барах - это в первоначальной идее (кстати скорость это разность двух машек), в настоящее время расчет тянется от экстремума ЗЗ (динамически). Естественно ATR это всего лишь вариант, попытка сделать фильтрацию в зависимости от волотильности. Также можно подойти статистически: мерить волотильность по среднеквадратичному отклонению (по BB например). Период ATR это период сглаживания True Range, но ни как не запаздывание, хотя одно влечет другое. Тут, имхо, нужно найти баланс между шумом и запаздыванием.

So what's the idea?

I'm trying to get the direction (vector!) and strength of movement as quickly as possible by operating with the smallest periods ..., and ATR can only be made to work in the delayed version ... i.e. Why do you need ATR values .... and in fact, when Nen explained that he would not translate the algorithm to work from M1 I don't see any other way to get what I'm looking for except to switch to Ninja trader ... there's the rest, what I need in my technology to detect reversals, strength of movement and (for Sank specially) levels significant including! ... I am not interested in MT4 and MT5 features anymore. Well, this is not a friendly environment for theanalysis!

sanyooooook >>:

не серчайте вы так, по поводу моих высказываний, не хотел вас нервировать ими, просто у меня своё мнение. По поводу зависимости дальности движения цена, от параметров на первом отрезке могу сказать что тут вы не правы и по этому поводу у меня свое мнение. И к тому же что б знать куда снаряд прилетит нужно знать откуда был произведен выстрел(это с условием что стреляете в чистом поле), а если на пути снаряда стоит насколько препятствий(какое препятствие способно отразить удар, какое не выдкржит), вот это вы не учитываете.

I'm not angry, it's just that trampling in place (picking MTs to get serious results) gets boring, as does the discussion itself, hypothetical "resistances", significant levels built on "curved" quotes ... I don't know what to do with it, I'll try to avoid it, I'll get rid of it. It looks a bit ridiculous.

And I took Fibonacci as a reference point for movement and did not let the "old man" down as always ... I have not failed yet with Wyckoff and VSA-VPA based on his generalizing ideas, but you cannot use these methods in MT, one gets the feeling that developers intentionally cut the market information and did everything to make stable trading on MT impossible, otherwise how to explain such popularity of MT with sweepstakes.

I am willing to take part in the discussion, but there is no desire to do so in the Metakvot environment! ... well that's not what it was created for!

Borisytch >>:

Я не серчаю, просто топтание на месте (ковыряние МТ для получения серьезных результатов) надоедает как и само обсуждение, гипотетические "сопротивления", значимые уровня построенные на "кривых" котировках ... одно время даже было увлечение МТ-шников по использованию тиковых объемов для построения стратегий. Выглядит это смешно немного.

А фибоначчи взят мной как ориентир на движение и не подвел "старик" как всегда ... еще не подводят идеи Вайкоффа и VSA-VPA построенные на его обобщающих идеях, но в МТ этими методиками не воспользуешься, складывается ощущение, что разработчики намеренно урезали информацию о рынке и сделали все, что бы стабильная торговля на МТ была невозможна, иначе как объяснить такую популярность МТ у тотализаторов.

Я готов принять участие в обсуждении, но нет желания заниматься этим в среде Метаквотов! ... ну не для этого она создавалась!

Have you read Mr. Vorobjev's book? Sparrow, I think? About games and phoebes?

No, I haven't heard of Vorobiev ... anything interesting?
SProgrammer писал(а) >>

Have you read Mr. Vorobjev's book? Sparrow, I think? About games and chips?

What kind of book? Where can I read it?


I briefly outlined my view on phibs here

This statement was provoked by a provocation. Perhaps some controversial definitions have been made there (phybos-helixes-snails, etc.). But the main points are outlined. Also some points were made there in another thread (where the provocation started).

The idea is very close to what sanek says. But the topic of this branch (prediction on accelerator and fibo) is different. There is also a good idea in the topic of the branch. There are some interesting tactics based on this (accelerator forecast...) and similar ideas. There are some interesting tactics based on ideas like sank's as well. If I recall correctly, one of the leaders of the last (2008) championship used a similar tactic. It was intricately described there. Yury Zaitsev using his breakdown of the morning flat has a similar idea. All these tactics must be studied and improved.

Their improvement and research should be done in the direction of multitime timeframes. Now we mainly use one timeframe. But we must also take into account the development of the situation in other timeframes. It is difficult even now to say which ones. From higher or from lower timeframes. Using the Fibo layout we can easily track origination of a trend on the minutes and its development to higher timeframes. The incipience and development comes from the lowest timeframes. And when the trend accelerates, it creates serious obstacles for counter-trend movements of lower ones on higher timeframes. And this is where the theme touched on by the sannyasis - cannon fire in a clear field.... enters in.

Borisytch >>:
Нет, про Воробьева не слышал ... что то интересное?воробьев+fibo&btnG=Search+in+Google&lr=&aq=f&oq=

Note the date. Both the examples and the games. In the book.

Borisytch писал(а) >>

I'm not angry, it's just that stomping around (poking around MTs to get serious results) gets tiresome as does the discussion itself, hypothetical "resistances", significant levels built on "curved" quotes... I don't know what to do with it, I'll try to avoid it, I'll get rid of it. It looks a bit ridiculous.

And I took Fibonacci as a guide to movement and did not let the "old man" down as always ... But I don't use those methods in MT, I have a feeling the developers deliberately cut the market information and did everything to make stable trading with MT impossible, otherwise how can one explain its popularity among totalizators.

I am willing to take part in the discussion, but there is no desire to do so in the Metakvot environment! ... Well that's not what it was created for!

It's just that the Metatrader developers live in their own environment. And often their environment is disconnected from what's going on around them. Then they pull up, but it takes a lot of effort from those around them. The contrived things are hard to change...

I see what you mean! ... No, I'm not a supporter of the idea ... I'm more convinced by the physics of the process - the forces involved in bidding, the volumes, the number of bids ... price movements ... that is, an understanding of what's really going on in the stock market gives me more and I think more professional information about what is happening ... although I understand that it is impossible to know everything... but the goal in studying the patterns of the market getting more reliable and complete information about the trades.