"The 'perfect' trading system - page 124


What he needs is stability.

He's making the switch.
What he means by stability is making sure the software works
(electricity doesn't run out, CPU doesn't explode,
the network cable doesn't burst into flames, etc.). :-(

The fact that it went through +0.83% - does not do you credit because "history repeats itself" and the next pass through "0" will be -100%. The drawdown increases )))

"You may earn as much as you like and lose only 100" - have you heard that saying?

Leonid, have you checked the "configuration change log"? If not, then your conclusions make no sense at all.

You just repeat phrases from the standard "guru kit". Ow, is your side a real person or a program to pass the Turing test? :)

If a real person, then bother to study the primary source first if you really want to get answers from me on the project, and not just have fun on the forum.


...have you looked in the "configuration change log"?

The result speaks for itself. You can use nanotechnology as an excuse.

Don't give a damn about craftsmanship.

Don't care about profitability.

The way a man is built, he doesn't need one or the other. What he needs is stability.

To live in this morass of predictable glitches and... Yeah...


Victor! I'm with you! As a postmodernist....

You're all fools, but Victor's smart. He even managed to get investors on the flush. Can you do that? No.

You also perform. :))

VictorArt: Leonid, have you looked at the "configuration change log"?

As an investor, I don't care about your "reconfiguration log". The indicator of a successful trade is the performance of the trade itself, not the performance of the "reconfiguration log" and the codes of robots or smarts. I only look at the indicators of the trade. I don't care how successful trading performance is achieved. And what happens to the "reconfiguration log" - all the more so.....

I hope Victor understands. I almost wrote "topicstarter. Ha! So we've already forgotten what (and whose!) thread is about.

Vitya the marketer. Taking any branch and steaming, composting, chiselling and, in general, blowing, the brains out.

How about starting your own?


I have no doubts that it is correct. We cannot say for sure in such an ambiguous market. But it is almost impossible to lose if we follow the risk level. Or rather, one can control, understand and try to "adjust" to the market, instead of one or two strikes to dump everything, as you wrote above )))).

Again, the answer is multiple, even though I asked you to avoid it.

So you don't have a "formula for excellence".

Then what are we talking about?

I have posted the adaptive EA test here, while you are again trying to reduce everything to another project - PAMM.

Maybe, it would be better to ask questions there or create a separate branch "VictorArt is the dumbest PAMM manager"? :)


Create a separate thread "VictorArt is the dumbest PAMM manager"? :)

What a great idea! I cannot think of a better one.
That's a great idea!
Oop! Finally...

Again, the answer is ambiguous, although I asked to avoid it.

In other words, you have no "skill formula".

What skill formula? What do you mean? The market formula?


I have posted a test of an adaptive EA here, but again, you are trying to reduce everything to another project - PAMM.

Maybe, it would be better to ask questions there or create a separate branch "VictorArt is the dumbest PAMM manager"? :)

You must understand as a programmer, even I understand it as a dilettante - a test in the tester and trading on the real account are different things. They are very different. PAMM puts everything in its place and your dreams of 700% in the tester are dashed by the reality. Don't you understand that?