"The 'perfect' trading system - page 27


You have to develop the right attitude towards what is going on.



Here is a screenshot clearly shows the correct attitude to the adaptive TS based on the Star of David - pay attention not a single loss trade! It is a simple set-up - a break or break-through of the star because it contains Fibonacci proportions, and we all know that Fibonacci is in fashion in forex - so prices move in the stars - in your face and adaptation. The target of the trade is the opposite ray of the star!
Yurixx >> so your "not understanding" sounds ... how shall I put it gently... inadequate.

Well, I'll try again.

Why would I want that?

You have your own idea of the subject - you can't change it.

Especially, you are not going to understand, but there is a desire to "criticize".

Or do you want me to start composing a new "Talmud" right here? What for?

Mathemat >> :

No, it's not necessarily a martingale. It's just trading trade history, not price data.

Strange, Victor, why did you answer this question negatively when I asked it directly?

If only it were that simple :)

Transaction history is also used because equity should be as close to a straight line as possible in its shape.

If we don't have a relationship to the outcome/equity, it can be anything - we have no control over it.

The Adaptive EA also controls equity and calculates target and stop sizes at the same time.

"The Martingale system is a gambling betting control system." Wikipedia

If anyone watched the code, the size of the lot in it is constant - the bets do not change, so it is not a martingale.

Ichor >> :
Here's a screenshot that clearly shows the right attitude to adaptive TS based on Star of David - note not a single loss trade! The pattern is simple - a break or break of the star because it contains Fibonacci proportions, and we all know that Fibonacci in forex is in high demand - so prices move in the stars - in your face and adaptation. The target of the trade is the opposite ray of the star!

Even a Star of David someone came up with the idea of using :)

Now who's going to argue with the fact that SF can be anything? :)

In a random process, any random function will find a similar one to itself.

And if a given SF fits well with the synchronisation process, then everything will work within the OTT.


Victor, you really are like the inventors of perpetual motion machines. Remember when I asked you about the "cost of measurement"? I already gave an example from thermodynamics, where you kind of get a perpetual motion machine of the second kind. So there is the same problem with its realization - all effect goes to measurement.)))

So don't be offended by such attacks from opponents - justifiably (at least in their view) you deserve.

Another annoying factor is the title. Lack of self-irony coupled with pathological self-respect - that's the impression one gets from the title. It's more of a trading tactic than anything else. You know, like in kung fu, there's the style of a monkey, a snake, a drunk, etc. So your style of trading could be called "drunk in the subway".

alsu >> :

Why are you arguing with him? In order to understand the essence of "General trading theory" it is enough to look at the code of the Expert Advisor published in kodobase - even a cursory glance allows one to determine that the entry strategy, proudly named above as an "own function", is simply a randomly (or almost) defined sequence of manipulations of trade directions, based on the only source of information - the profitability of previous trades. As far as I remember, such things are called martingale, which IMHO immediately sends the author to the section of astrologers and alchemists. As for pseudoscientific delirium - sometimes I have to deal with "inventors of perpetuum mobile" and similar lunatics in the course of their main work - for them such presentation of their thoughts, as well as a complete lack of understanding of what they say, is quite typical.

Well seen :)

Have you not noticed that there is also StopBase and the deal will not open before

if( NextBar() == true ) {
// allow for analysis at the next position opening

You definitely have an "overly fluent" look and there are only psychos around - probably for a reason :)

Svinozavr >> :

Victor, you really are like the inventors of perpetual motion machines. Remember when I asked you about the "cost of measurement"? I already gave an example from thermodynamics, where you kind of get a perpetual motion machine of the second kind. So there is the same problem with its realization - all effect goes to measurement.)))

So do not be offended by such attacks from opponents - justified (at least in their view) you deserve.

Another annoying factor is the title. Lack of self-irony coupled with pathological self-esteem - that's the impression one gets from the title. It's more of a trading tactic than anything else. You know, like in kung fu, there's the style of the monkey, the snake, the drunk, etc. So your style of trading could be called "drunk in the subway".

Are you saying that the image of 'drunk' is closer to many people than a beam of light in a light guide? :)

Yeah, that's what it seemed to me too, when I came up with the NF analogy :)

Other than that, you're wrong. It's just that people with certain character traits get into trading, for example, there are a lot of snobs and high ambitions among them.

That's why the result will be the same: "What nonsense - I have been trading here for 10 years and nothing works, and here everything is done and works in one line".

VictorArt писал(а) >>

Equity should be as close to a straight line as possible in its shape.

Fortunately, we do not need to solve this problem. In most cases, the market itself brings the equity curve of a system to the form of a straight line with a negative slope. ;-)


What is wrong with it? - I didn't write the posts for my opponents - what is, is. I just explain why such a reaction.

If you're referring to the comparison with the perpetuum mobilee design, again - just explaining why this comparison comes to mind.

But you are really wrong when you try to explain everything by the bruised ego of your opponents. Not the right level for such feelings. At least not for everyone.