"The 'perfect' trading system - page 26

Yurixx >>:Поиском качественной аппроксимации рыночной функции прямо или косвенно заняты все, кто пытается писать торговых роботов. Качественной - это значит, что экстраполяция модельной функции в будущее должна достаточно хорошо аппроксимировать рыночную и на как можно большем участке. Т.е. ничего нового вы тут не сказали.

This is where you completely miss the point of the process.

You wrote that everyone is busy looking for "an approximation/approximation of the SF to the FR".

In OTT, it's simpler as the FR synchronises the SF, without extrapolation.

Imagine if you were offered a ride in a car driven by an autopilot extrapolating the road into the future, with no road map in memory. Would you drive it?

And why? :)

So the formulas don't tell Vita what to do. ))))))
lea >> :

Excuse me, have you not heard of the Black-Scholes formula and generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models?

Or is that "sci-fi talk" to you as well?


"The fund was surrounded by an aura of secrecy and no one had any idea what strategies they were using. A special feature of the foundation was the fact that two Nobel laureates served on its board of directors. They had received a prize for their research into share options. And this fact attracted depositors. "

"The Hong Kong crisis sent markets into chaos. But it was the Russian default of 1998 that put an end to the fund's normal functioning. It turned out that the Nobel laureates had not taken into account the likelihood of default. They had neglected this risk and were punished by the market. After the loss on Russia, the huge leverage the fund was operating with opened up. So as not to drown the rest (those working with the same leverage) Alan Greenspan assembled a consortium of banks and helped to cut the malignant tumour out of the benign body in a civilised manner.
The same thing happened with LTCM as with Michael Milken's throwaway bond buyers, both relied on statistical studies covering only the prosperous interval. The level of research was different, but the final outcome was the same.
As the test of time showed, Mark Twain was a better analyst than those at LTCM because of his dictum: "There are three types of lies: lies, brazen lies and statistics". And if John Meriwether was a more honest guy, he made those words his foundation's motto."

Even Nobel prizes are sometimes awarded for pseudo-scientific jibber jabber.

VictorArt писал(а) >>

Even Nobel prizes are sometimes awarded for near-scientific jibber jabber.

This is not called "jibber jabber", but a model that does not account for everything.

The Black-Scholes formula is still in use, just more cautiously. Also, I have already read publications on the subject of generalising this model under slightly modified conditions (more plausible).

lea >> :

This is not called "rubbish", but a model that does not take everything into account.

The Black-Scholes formula is still in use, just more cautiously. Also, I have already read publications on generalising this model under slightly modified (more plausible) conditions.

It is a waste of time to model the market.

VictorArt писал(а) >>

It's a waste of time to model the market.

it's in the annals!!!!


VictorArt писал(а) >>

In general, everything is clear here - you have twisted it in your own way, without understanding it, and then you felt funny - what nonsense it turned out :)

Do you think that if you took a few common terms, twisted them in your own way and now juggle them, something sensible can be born out of it?

I was really interested to see the theoretical content of your theory. And I made an attempt to sort it out. It got bogged down by your inability or unwillingness to explain. Inability or unwillingness? Actually, it doesn't even matter. It's the other thing that matters:

The general theory is formulated in one vague sentence.

The intrinsic function - the basic object of practical realisation - can be anything.

Synchronisation - what provides the link to the market - is . and what follows is an extensive piece from someone else's book on synchronisation of oscillations in electrical systems, generators, radio transmitters, etc. And also a list of books concluding with the BSE. Do you mean the Great Soviet Encyclopaedia? Why did you forget the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language?

The synchronisation algorithm - i.e. the main part of the trading robot - can also be anything.

That's all you have to say.

So your "without understanding" sounds ... how shall I put it ... inadequate.

Well, I'll try again.

What is "intrinsic function"? Give me the wording, a specific explanation, and an example of use, the actual example of SF. What is NF in the EA posted in CodeBase at MetaQuotes ? Explain how you used PRNG as an SF.

What is "synchronization" ? Not in general, but in your specific case of trading theory. How is it done ? What is the difference between it and the fitting? By the way, fitting, or optimization, is the process of determining parameter values that provide the best approximation of a price series. So don't be so shaky about the word.

What else is there in your OTT apart from these two concepts ?

Yurixx >> :

Why are you arguing with him? In order to understand the essence of "General trading theory" it is enough to look at the code of the EA published in kodobase - even a cursory glance allows to determine that the entry strategy, proudly named above as "intrinsic function", is simply a randomly (or almost) defined sequence of manipulation of trade directions, based on the only source of information - profitability of previous trades. As far as I remember, such things are called martingale, which IMHO immediately sends the author to the section of astrologers and alchemists. As for pseudoscientific delirium - sometimes I have to deal with "perpetual motion machine inventors" and similar nutters by profession - for them such statement of their thoughts as well as complete misunderstanding of what they say is quite typical.

alsu >>: The entry strategy proudly referred to above as an "intrinsic function" is simply a random (or almost) defined sequence of manipulation of trade directions based on a single source of information - the profitability of previous trades. As I recall, this sort of thing is called a martingale

No, it is not necessarily a martingale. It's just trading the history of trades, not the price data.

Strange, Victor, so why did you answer me in the negative when I asked about it directly?

Mathemat >> :

No, it's not necessarily a martingale. ?

Not claiming to be exceptionally precise in this case, it's more of an emotional one, have had enough of it already....