"The 'perfect' trading system - page 13

That's the thing, the thread is littered with it and there's something rational about it, and it's very interesting what one will come up with in their research. And here, indeed, there is a continuation of the recent trend on the forum to create "names" at the expense of names. Lyosha, I'll fight with you individually: why did you buy it? I'm not saying anything, I've been infected with "forum disease" of recent months, but still. I'd love to hear your opinion on Angela's direction of search. Who's thinking what. It's not like it's the first time people have been searching for these spots.... Is there any rationale in this direction?
Mathemat >> :

I do not really believe in the seriousness of your statements, because every time you say it, you add a smiley. Why would you do that?

Yes, it's very difficult, I agree.

As I understand it, you are going to trade transaction history, not prices? And anyway - where do you find links to OTT? Is this your know-how?

Here is your main problem, because of which you are criticized here: you are experimenting on a PAMM account and not on your own money. I thought that PAMM is not intended for experiments.

Why have you put up offers? Traded on this PAMM account by yourselves, without any offers, and would have shown everyone, how the balance curve is gradually correcting to the growth. And then, the offers would come...

PAMM is not an experiment.

As you can see from the very beginning, everything was fine, until the "market surprises" started. It turned out that we were not quite ready for this turn of events - it was a common thing.

Many people in such cases even get completely lost or stop trading for some time.

In the course of events, we had to look for a solution by adding additional adaptive trading robots to slow down the fall of equity and replace less effective ones with more effective ones.

Apparently, this proved to be the right solution as on August 10 it started to have an effect and equity started to decrease.

Offers, if we opened them in the beginning, we will never close them - stability is first of all. We open them in the beginning and close them in the end; "we play here and not there" is not our style.

That's it. And smileys, to make it more fun to read :)


Once upon a time, everyone was convinced that the Sun revolved around the Earth... Everyone knows this story. However, it repeats itself with us nowadays. If the majority believes so and not otherwise, then it is right and there is no place for dissent. Or maybe the minority is right? And who moves science and progress forward: the majority or the few?


So what is primary: profit or loss? And what is more important to manage?

DC2008 писал(а) >>

Once upon a time, everyone was convinced that the Sun revolved around the Earth... Everyone knows this story. However, it repeats itself with us nowadays. If the majority believes so and not otherwise, then it is right and there is no place for dissent. Or maybe the minority is right? And who moves science and progress forward: the majority or the few?


So what is primary: profit or loss? And what is more important to manage?

So you are suggesting that our Victor has advanced ideas that are way ahead of the prevailing perception of systems? If so, open an offer for a considerable amount on his SPAMM, and then watch the equity and answer your own question.

DC2008 >> :


If by stability you mean manageability, then I would agree that "Stable losses are more important than stable profits" as long as the deposit grows. Indeed, if you can manage losses or eliminate them altogether, then there is nothing to stop profits from growing the deposit. Even the worst trading strategy has profitable trades, and if we can manage losing trades, then the deposit will grow.



This has already been implemented and there is nothing complicated there. With a frequency filter you can manage profits, losses and drawdowns - 'as you like'.

Look at the branch: 'Activity Spectrum and AFC of Mts by Example of Moving Average Expert Advisor'.

1. Yes, you got it right.

2. when I have time, I'll have a look. However, we try not to use frequency filters, either because we don't understand how to use them, or because we haven't been able to get a positive result.

lea >> :

OTT is nonsense, imho. Justify your system mathematically, or say you use TA. ;) It makes much more sense to build a system on a different principle; see the game (it argues that using deterministic strategies leads to failures, and that it makes sense to use mixed strategies).

If sl>tp, then just as many TCs show stable growth (due to over sitting), and then a stable drain (failed to over sitting). Which is also typical of your system.

A change in the direction of the trade can also be justified. If after a losing trade you can predict that the price will continue its movement - it makes sense to open a deal in the right direction. In this case, you should not wait for closing on stops either.

"Adaptation" in this case is just an example of building a beautiful balance line at the expense of drawdowns.

You can substantiate anything you like and you have brilliantly demonstrated it :)

You have written "a hodgepodge of nonsense" and passed it off as "the truth in the last resort".

By the way, "over-sit" is a purely human term, masculine. It appeared because it is difficult for people-traders to sit on a chair in front of the monitor for a long time and wait for positions to close - one can sit for something much more useful than profit :)

VictorArt >> :

Here you go. And the smiley faces are just to make it more fun to read :)

Your emoticons only show that you're not even serious about your statements, which you think are key.

You haven't answered the question: Where can I read about OTT?

If this is your know-how that you're not going to share, I'll retract, but now I'll consider your claims to be mere PR.

2 Helen: Well, scold, scold. Yet such persistence in repeating one and the same... uh... maxima must be justified. What if Victor is simply not telling you something (the same context, for example)?

Mathemat >>:Как я понял, Вы собираетесь торговать историю сделок, а не цены? И вообще - где найти ссылки на ОТТ? Это Ваше ноу-хау?

No, of course not.

I wrote above, the adaptive EA only works in harmony with its components.

Someone saw big stops in it, you saw the history of trades.

Daltonics don't see the sun as yellow either, but in their own way.

In fact, all humans see only a small part of the entire spectrum.

The whole OTT is here - you just have to understand it in its entirety, not in bits and pieces.

Mathemat >> :

Your emoticons only show that you are not even serious about your statements, which you think are key.

You haven't answered the question: Where can I read about OTT?

If this is your know-how, which you are not going to share - I will retreat, but now I will consider your statements as mere PR.

2 Helen: Well, scold, scold. Yet such persistence in repeating one and the same... uh... maxima must be justified. What if Victor is just not telling us something (the context, for example)?

I just didn't have time to respond - I don't have a hundred hands :)

And already answered in a previous post.

sever29 писал(а) >>

Are you suggesting that our Victor puts forward advanced ideas that are way ahead of the conventional view of systems? Well, if so, open an offer on his SPAMM for a considerable sum, and then watch the equity and answer your own question.

And if I entrust you with a large sum of money, what will you think about first? Your profit or your responsibility to make sure you do not blow your equity?


So it turns out that managing losses is more important.