Is there a need for a lock in MT5? - page 60


What are we going to do?

That's an interesting question. Of course, I have little faith that speaking out publicly towards the locs will make a difference. DCs don't need successful Players. And hence all those who in some way or another get money from these GTCs, by trade.

But at least a public statement, with a push and other Players, to deal with locks. This is a plus - more of us will become :).

And so far the only solution - two accounts, one for a lock, the other for trade. Of course it is a pain, constantly pumping money from one account to another and trade with 2 at once. But better this way than none at all. And then we'll see.

MrSerj >> :

2 accounts, one for location, one for trading


How do they not get mixed up?

MrSerj >> :

What are we going to do?

That's an interesting question. Of course, I have little faith that speaking out publicly towards the locs will make a difference. DCs don't need successful Players. And hence all those who in some way or another get money from these GTCs, by trade.

But at least a public statement, with a push and other Players, to deal with locks. This is a plus - more of us will become :).

And so far the only solution - two accounts, one for a lock, the other for trade. Of course it is a pain, constantly pumping money from one account to another and trade with 2 at once. But better this way than none at all. And then we will see.

How many times can I repeat: NO ONE WILL FORBIDDEN LOCKS IN MT4 as well as MT4 itself!

Get your own lochs. No one has anything against it.

Svinozavr >> :

How many times do I have to tell you: NO LOCKS IN MT4, AS WELL AS MT4 itself, WILL NOT BE DISABLED WITH THE EXIT OF 5K!

Go around with your locs. Nobody has anything against it.

It won't work, it'll be seen as a clever move to lull you into a false sense of security.

Mischek >> :

Not gonna fly, it'll be seen as a clever move to lull him into a false sense of security.

Yeah. It's hard to convince a paranoid man that his fears are paranoid.

Although, on the other hand, if a paranoid person is persecuted, it doesn't mean that no one is persecuting them.


Sleep well, dear locomancers. If you can. Bazinga!!!))

Svinozavr >> :

Sleep well, dear locomancers. If you can. Buggahaha!!!))

Thank you!


MrSerj писал(а) >>

What are we going to do?

I must be getting really old. I can't figure out what's so great about loks.

Maybe the weed's different.

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

How many times do I have to tell you: NO LOCKS IN MT4, AS WELL AS MT4 itself, WILL NOT BE DISABLED WITH THE EXIT OF 5K!

Go around with your locs. No one has anything against it.

just that over time the dts will gradually move to 5K, with the natural extinction of 4K.... If the new terminal wasn't called MetaTrader 5, but say MetaTrader NETTO, it would be easier to believe that the 4-ca won't die out....

"Two traders, a beginner and a more experienced one, are talking.

- I often hear about locking a position. Can you explain to me, but clearly, what it is?

-How to explain... and also understandable... The most understandable example, perhaps, is this:
I was invited to a birthday party. I sit at the table to the left of the birthday girl, and Pavlik to the right. Imagine the embarrassment when my hands met Pavlik's... You know, where...
- And then I had to sort it all out..."