Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 94

ULAD >> :

And how do I treat you? If you read three pages, see a screen, don't understand anything, you start talking shit. There's enough of that around here. Nobody's arguing Nirob doesn't understand anything. Five years on the market already means a lot.

I challenge him. Doesn't know basic arithmetic. Neelie's got it down. In three years he couldn't even master a few figures to use them at least half the time without martingale. Does not understand simple questions that he is asked on the forum. Doesn't use the terminal features. Works without any stops. Lies. Makes a dumpster out of the forum. Definitely not a smart person. Not that he doesn't understand anything at all, just a few nicks in his brain. He's got enough.

How about a 400% (or 500%? I've forgotten) drop in the stock market or a chart of the open position (order) yield curve? Or predicting the price of a $12 barrel of oil? Or predicting a fixed exchange rate using wave theory?

ULAD писал(а) >>

And how do I treat you? If you read three pages, see a screen, don't understand anything, you start giving a shit. There's enough of that around here. Nobody's arguing Nirob doesn't understand anything. Five years on the market already means a lot.

One can spend a lifetime studying, but fail to apply knowledge and do not draw conclusions from the mistakes one encounters.

A man may be born a child and remain a child for life, he may be born a child but become a man, but he may be born a man... Not everybody can be of the same height, and everyone has different abilities and skills...

Gans-deGlucker писал(а) >>

Check this out. Apparently there's also Brother 2.

Great! I've been wanting to see what he looks like for a long time. I did, thank you.

It's hard to tell if it's the brother or him. Probably the big brother, though.

However, they are working for a common scam.

It was especially interesting to read the "UXO Method" page

Mostly, of course, empty advertising gibberish aimed at the poorly educated, far from real markets and naive neophytes. But there are some pearls that speak volumes. For example:

... The analysis of time series, consisting of the values of prices of financial assets, was carried out using approaches used in such sciences as: Fractal Geometry, Chaos Theory, Synergetics, Mathematics and Logic.

Very similar to borrowing from Alex's 2006 sample diploma. What follows is "managed to establish that ..." and 5 points that really give a chance to establish how far the author is from the sciences listed in the quote.

I was also greatly "scientifically" impressed by the statement

Considering that price dynamics of various financial assets are non-linear dynamic additive-synergetic systems (NDASS), we can say that the model of NDASS development is the Niro Fractal-Attractor.

A fractal named after me - how very Niro-esque of me ! :-)

And as an appetiser there was a masterpiece in general, which I found myself patsutalomizing

We can also note the fact that the limit of time series consisting of financial asset price values, when n → ∞, where n is the ordinal number of the series member, equals the Niro Fractal-Attractor.

This "fact" inexorably demonstrates the "scientific qualifications" of its author.

It's a beautiful website. Large print, words with capital letters, a minimum of meaningful text - what more is needed.
Ahh... that's where it's coming from!
I've already climbed out from under the table.
It was getting dark... Nirobaa start the screener.
I wonder... will someone close down this moronic thread or not?!
Joker писал(а) >>
I wonder... will somebody shut down this moronic thread or not?!

Read some jokes in the morning and you won't even have to go to a dumb American comedy.


Analysis-example from website:

"- point of local extremum
- predicted point of local extremum
- value area calculated by the NRS method, in which the point of local extremum may occur
Trading signals.
The point of local minimum is a signal to buy.
The point of local maximum is a signal to sell.