Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 412


someone did not follow the topic but knew what was coming ))

it would be better if he rested in the summer and moved the season of the TV series to the fall

bank: someone didn't follow the topic but knew what was coming ))
Agreed. But this is "experience is the son of misfortune" ....))))

The forum community, like society as a whole, does not have a single, unified opinion on any issue, as every individual in this society is too individual. Therefore, there will always be those who are "for", those who are "against" and, accordingly, those who "don't care", like you. Those who have been on this topic have followed, worried, cheered for it to sink in or rise up, as the topic has been quite interesting and instructive. Again, in the opinion of those who were interested. And some didn't care, like you. They did not follow it. And that's okay. We should all have different opinions on any subject. Long live pluralism of opinion! )))) Democracy for fuck's sake ))))

Leonid, on the contrary, I follow this thread so closely that you can't even imagine and I'll never forget how somewhere between page 120-140 I finally learned how to shit in feng shui :)

no really, it's an interesting thread, it involves both cunts@balls and quite normal people like mathematician who, around page 170, dotted the I's and crossed the T's

After this page (his post on the very first one) there went one stooge.... and it's true...

Mathemat opened his eyes to the truth of Niroba's analysis, those who have not understood it, are still trying to do the same thing, only with a ...


There's something wrong with the vector of pity and sensitivity. It's misdirected. Better to feel sorry for those who bought into the "method" of the trader. A trading teacher who does not know how to trade is a ruthless trader. He is responsible for the chaos. All is clear, to the point, fair. We are dealing with finances.

How many minds has the character managed to confuse...


There's something wrong with the vector of pity and sensitivity. It's misdirected in the wrong direction. Better to feel sorry for those who bought into the "method" of the trader. A trading teacher who does not know how to trade is a ruthless trader. He is responsible for the chaos. All is clear, to the point, fair. We are dealing with finances.

How many minds has the character managed to confuse...

It's up to everyone to choose who they learn from. The people are the same as the government.

There's something wrong with the vector of pity and sensitivity. It's misdirected. Better to feel sorry for those who bought into the "method" of the trader. A trading teacher who does not know how to trade is a ruthless trader. He is responsible for the chaos. All is clear, to the point, fair. We are dealing with finances.

How many minds has the character managed to confuse...

My opinion. It's better to confuse minds than to laugh around the corner without saying anything.
My opinion. It is better to confuse the mind and chuckle around the corner without saying anything.

The author has been told 1001 times before that trading without stops and striving for infinite profit factor is the way to nowhere.

It is not a horse's feed. When a man plummets his own money, it is his business, but when he attracts investors' money for a 100% plunge, it is already a fraud.

My opinion. It is better to confuse minds and laugh around the corner without saying anything.


And more instructive. Than trading with other people's hands...



Except here, too, the "artist" was all about the beastie-bot.

Oh, come on. Netrebka is a household name. A guru with no special rights or merits.

Not like Gerczyk!

There seem to be no fresh ideas on this forum and no successful gurus.

Only the duped. (c) Taleb N.



The author has been told 1001 times that trading without stops and striving for an infinite profit factor is a road to nowhere.

It's not the horse's feed. When a man pours out his own money, it is his business, but when he attracts investors for 100% withdrawal, it is already a fraud.

Niroba made a mistake on the pivot point by about 500 pips, which is nothing for a daily chart. Plus he did his thing and left the branch.

And everyone else has just to train their inflamed minds here. My opinion.


Niroba got the pivot point wrong by about 500 pips, which is nothing for a daily chart. Plus he did his job and left the branch.

And all the rest have only to train their inflamed minds here. My opinion.

Looking for excuses...

For their "successes."


My monitoring proves it...
