Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 294

NYROBA писал(а) >>

I think it's better to move buy orders on the pound below 1.35.

goldtrader >>:
Вы слышали термин СЕБЕСТОИМОСТЬ? Так вот себестоимость добычи нефти в 2-3 раза выше тех самых 12 долл. Или Вы верите и хотите убедить других что производители будут продавать нефть в убыток себе? Надеюсь Вы понимаете что за 12 лет (с 1998г) себестоимость добычи нефти выросла в несколько раз, т.е. 10 баксов в 1998г и 12 баксов сегодня это далеко не одно и то же.
Рынками правит не только ТА и прогнозы аналитиков, есть ещё элементарная экономика.
The dollar has simply become cheaper. In 12 years there has been serious inflation around the world, and everything has become more expensive - wages, real estate, food. In fact, money has become cheaper. In other words, there will never be 12 bucks a barrel, because it is cheaper than the paper on which the barrels are printed.
timbo писал(а) >>
The dollar just got cheaper. In 12 years there has been serious inflation around the world, everything has become more expensive - wages, real estate, food. And in essence, money got cheaper. I.e. there will never be 12 bucks a barrel again, because it's kind of cheaper than the paper these barrels are written on.

By the way, real estate prices will collapse by at least 2-3 times from the current prices,

i.e. the price will return to 1998-99 levels.


Кстати, цены на недвижимость от текущих рухнут как минимум в 2-3 раза,

т.е. цена вернётся к уровню 1998-99г.г.

The common man is thrilled!


Yes, as recently as last December he was predicting oil at 12 bucks a barrel at the end of December 2009. Six months later we hear the same song, only now it is December 2010. Then, I believe, there will be a reprieve until December 2012... Attention question: why those who shorted oil last December have not cleaned up this soothsayer's face yet? Answer: because no one listens to him.
OlegTs >>:


кто он?

Just sick.

He's no longer a petty crook who cheats at predictions.

There's a manic need to publicly predict everything.

It's more aptly titled "Medical History".

There's nothing we can do about it.

If before his clones played the role of fans, now his Synexes are more evidence of a real split personality

And Niroba has a wife, a child, in general for a long time is not funny but pathetic.

timbo >>:
Во-во, ещё в прошлом декабре он пророчил нефть по 12 баков за бочку в конце декабря 2009. Спустя полгода мы слышим туже песню, только теперь это декабрь 2010. Потом, я полагаю, будет отсрочка до декабря 2012... Внимание вопрос: почему зашортившие нефть в прошлом декабре до сих пор не начистили рыло этому прорицателю? Ответ: а потому что никто его не слушает.
I used to think he was a lunatic who was browsing the internet in between treatments, but it turns out he is also earning money. He opened a company called Horns and Horses and is invited to radio stations like This is Moscow to tell him what is going on in the world of economics. It looks like people are really bringing him money. What a mess...

He's not sick, he's a professional scammer.

He's scamming sick people for money.

Oh!!! Turns out to be a crook of a high calibre. What are the authorities looking at? Clearly a pyramid schemer.