Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 371

Alexei, how can I invest money in your PAMM?
Well here's another victim of NYROB!!! And yet he has the powers of hypnosis...=)
Come on, you can't make fun of it in the middle of the week )))
Alexei, how can I invest money in your PAMM?

Obviously, it is impossible. It is a fictitious PAMM. Simple examples: you put money there. Nirobka will have two options, to trade on yours or not to trade. If you don't trade with your money, the total profitability at the expense of the dead capital will be zero, even with a good variant for nirobka. If he trades, he won't be able to save his account from a margin call with a hundred dollars.
I think it is unlikely that Nirobka could have thought of it himself, someone told him to do it :)


Alexei, and goldtrader is correct: I also checked this post, but by the end of 2009 there was no collapse of currencies against the quid yet. It has just started.

Nevertheless, let's be impartial: Your recommendation to buy the quid, made at the end of November 2009, turned out to be correct.

Regarding your forecast "Euro minimum to 1.72 till the end of 2010" - somehow it is too fantastic: the Euro has to finish all its 4-5's, stop somewhere near the bottom, and then, no earlier than in three months, start doing 50-55 figures minimum for 3 months.

Maybe, of course, as there are precedents: during two weeks of December 2008 the EUR made 20 figures up (counting with the shadows - from 1.27 to 1.47). But that was part of a corrective wave B in the weeks, which could be anything. It was not a wave impulse.

Right now the Yevra is in the impulse wave C, the fourth sub-wave of which is just outlined. It's too early for a global upside.

The euro will not reverse without the pound! The current quote of the pound is 1.49, it will go a little bit higher to 1.50-1.51, then I expect correction to 1.35 and only then the pound-buck will reverse and the eurik will reverse too))

Come on, you can't make fun of it in the middle of the week )))
Well, to be honest, Niroba's long term forecasts are positive, but there are problems with the timing. I do not know how it was before, but in my time the pair eur\usd 1.5 did hit... It is interesting to see how Niroba thinks in the future...


So that's what Wednesday means, the joke didn't work out.)

I'll be back on Friday ))

Yes, yes, it's sure to be a joke on Friday, people won't be as serious.
Well, to be honest, Niroba's long-term prognosis is positive,

Which category would you put this one in?

NYROBA: К концу 2010 года жду валютную пару Евро/Доллар как минимум на отметке 1.72.

It is a pity that the quotes have only two directions - up and down. If there were more, there would be more different predictions too.



Yeah, the reds and the greens.