Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 221

E_mc2 >> :

Of course you can't, all a potential investor or buyer of signals from Niroba would have to do is google Niroba scam, and the first link will lead to this forum. We are not sure how easy it is to get a signal from a potential investor or buyer of signals when they google it and say "Niroba is a scam".

What an advanced search engine you are :)... You can also search for Niroba analytics, Niroba signals, Niroba forex..... and you know which link comes first...? That's right!!! The same one.

I am not sure that a normal person can easily do the reading of this thread, but if they do, they will know exactly who can work and earn money, and who only ...... :) Well this ellipsis, every normal person will fill in to his own taste :)...

Sorento писал(а) >> One thing that is not clear is why would an analyst want to cheat?

Real analysts are all a bit of a fraud. The analyst must make his forecasts in such a way that even if the outcome is unfavourable, he remains in an advantageous position. That is, the analyst has to be right. Look at the forecast of 1.4 to 1.5 in 2 weeks. In fact, the forecast did not come true, but the analyst defends - well, not 2 weeks, but 5 months, what is difficult to wait? And in principle, he is right, we waited and still got 1.5. Now the forecast from 1.4850 to 1.34 is very fast. In fact, the forecast did not come true, but the analyst is defending again - well, there was a drawdown, I closed in a small profit, and I sold even higher, and why did not you do so? The fact that he didn't advise so is another matter, but he did and he is essentially right again. This is the skill of the analyst - to give such a forecast, so that then to be able to turn the situation in your favour, if this forecast does not come true.....))))) In fact, pure fraud....)))))

LeoV , + 1
LeoV >> :

Real analysts are all a bit of a fraud. The analyst must make his forecasts in such a way that even if the outcome is unfavourable, he remains in an advantageous position. That is, the analyst has to be right. Look at the forecast of 1.4 to 1.5 in 2 weeks. In fact, the forecast did not come true, but the analyst defends - well, not 2 weeks, but 5 months, what is difficult to wait? And in principle, he is right, we waited and still got 1.5. Now the forecast from 1.4850 to 1.34 is very fast. In fact, the forecast did not come true, but the analyst is defending again - well, there was a drawdown, I closed in a small profit, and I sold even higher, and why did not you do so? The fact that he didn't advise so is another matter, but he did and he is essentially right again. This is the skill of the analyst - to give such a forecast, so that then to be able to turn the situation in your favour, if this forecast does not come true.....))))) In essence, pure fraud....)))))

An anecdote (bojang, of course, but relevant):

Wall Street building, end of the day, a trader is in the lift: week-old unshaven on his face, his head just a mess (all the usual after-work stuff). The lift stops at the next floor and an analyst enters. The trader looks at him exhausted and says:
- Now will you at least tell me WHERE? Up or down?

And another one:

The analyst is a specialist who will know tomorrow why what he predicted yesterday has not happened today. :))))))))))))

LeoV писал(а) >>

Real analysts are all a bit of a fraud. The analyst must make his forecasts in such a way that even if the outcome is unfavourable, he remains in an advantageous position. That is, the analyst has to be right. Look at the forecast of 1.4 to 1.5 in 2 weeks. In fact, the forecast did not come true, but the analyst defends - well, not 2 weeks, but 5 months, what is difficult to wait? And in principle, he is right, we waited and still got 1.5. Now the forecast from 1.4850 to 1.34 is very fast. In fact, the forecast did not come true, but the analyst is defending again - well, there was a drawdown, I closed in a small profit, and I sold even higher, and why did not you do so? The fact that he didn't advise so is another matter, but he did and he is essentially right again. This is the skill of the analyst - to give such a forecast, so that then to be able to turn the situation in your favour, if this forecast does not come true.....))))) In fact, pure fraud....)))))

The most interesting thing is that the analyst put his forecast and then redrawn it 5 minutes later, the picture was left for viewing in a separate window - the result shows what he had planned in his commentary - page 218

But the interesting thing is that this analyst is unwilling to admit his mistakes...
sworder >> :

What an advanced search engine you are :)... You can also search for Niroba analytics, Niroba signals, Niroba forex..... and you know which link comes first...? That's right!!! The same one.

I'm not sure if a normal person can read this thread easily, but if he does, he will know exactly who can work and make money and who can only ..... :) Well this ellipsis, each normal person will fill in for his own taste :)...

I'm sure that if it really came to paying for analytics and paid signals that he wants to sell, you would be the first one to give him no kopeck. If they don't know how to get their signals, they just do not get their signals analyzed, and if they don't get any signals analyzed, they get their signals analyzed.) You may be the first to give them a penny, but you are not a neroble clone, and judging by the atmosphere in this thread, I'm sure most won't either. In other words, they are not serious and do not give them a penny, but they are serious about it. If you are a clone of Nirobka, then you should give them a penny, but I am sure that most of them will not.) For this reason alone, no serious businessman would want to deal with tycoons. We are working with some traders who have locked accounts, who can show their accounts upon request, who have PAMM accounts they can show to potential investors as a proof of their profitable trading and who are not connected to the scandals on the forums. We do not have anything like that and the account on which he trades is not clear whether it is a real or verified demo. But who among reasonable people would fall for it? If someone really wants to invest in some trader or buy his signals, he, as I said, will find a lot of traders who have real proof of profitable trading, the same PAMM. And the destiny of the float-brain nerds is newcomers ... but they are unlikely to be fooled, the atmosphere here is too disadvantageous for investing)))) This is a circus, people come here to laugh, have a laugh, maybe relieve some stress... but I don't think anybody's gonna give their dough.
By the way a branch still moderate that one post just deleted ... where Nirobke one of the forum members promised to put it mildly not very good prospects for the health of Nirobke, after he finds it)))) Like deleted because of threats and violent propaganda))))
Sorento писал(а) >>

I note that sometimes your short-term predictions are surprisingly accurate. Let's see, what's next?

Down that sharply?

One thing that is not clear is why cheat analysts? You can't wash your hands of it anymore and you won't be able to talk your way out of it.

Total nonsense about fraud!? What is fraud? Can anyone explain?

... The same can be said about a man who went to a car dealership, gave money to the salesman but didn't buy the car... :)


We don't care... everyone gets what they want... if a person wants something, he gets it... no one will protect him, although the anti-advertising of the thread helps to protect the author of the thread from "big trouble", but this is no guarantee... the short-sighted with their last pennies, maybe the author will swallow it... But no matter how much you twist the rope, everything comes to an end ... sooner or later ... This postulate works in everything and at all times. only a deferred payment is possible...