Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 215

Z-noy >> :
E_mc2, what are you, a trader, a freeloader or just for fun?

Dear comrade Gnoy. I'm just waiting in line for the online trade the author promised. I'm just kidding, I'm a happy guy, I'm a free ride on this circus called Online Trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) you know ...I recommend it to you. It's a total abyss, you won't regret it.

Yeah, what jealousy does to people. :))))))))))))))))

The green fuzz is doing its job faithfully... ;о))))))))))))

You know the difference between a crook and an honest man?
TsaiShenYeh >> :

Who told you that the country is yours alone, and where do I come down on my country? Acknowledging the obvious, seeing the problem is the way to solve it.

I only read the last two pages when I came in... yeah I agree about the chicks and all that.

"western culture" is a pervasive rot

yesterday i saw what a civilized western democracy is doing to the palestinians and i'm stunned

TsaiShenYeh >> :

I can see it hurt. It really stings.

Yes, it does.

It hurts when a bunch of foreign-born dumbasses

start yapping about my homeland like a dog.


>> you better go bang your makiwars, peckerwood.

instead of annoying people on the forums.

Z-noy >> :
>> while the shit is going down, the author of this thread is making money.

He's making money off of all the suckers who believe in him.


Yeah, what jealousy does to people. :))))))))))))))))

The green fuzz is doing its job faithfully... ;о))))))))))))

Nirbka, you are good at lying and getting out of your own lies, we have already seen that, stop showing off your talents. I clearly cited your prediction, which you personally made on the air for radio listeners. You promised gold would plummet. And it went up... It's only natural that I should ask you, are you trading on your forecasts? If you do, your fund is long gone. Looking at your woeful forecast and the gold charts, I can only sympathize and offer my condolences. But rather not you, you're not trading, you're just looking for suckers for paid signals. But for the idiots who followed your shitty forecast and go for gold with a minimum target of 642 one can indeed give their condolences, they have already held a funeral for their deposits))))
E_mc2 >> :

you can calculate the waves of his explosive diarrhoea by the length of his smiley faces

is the formula for the golden juxtaposition of the slurry

Oozing with molasses the mists of autumn days

There's a flock of goldeneyes cooing


So you don't know the difference between a crook and an honest man?

At the peak of the scam game, I walk through town and, just for fun, give 100 rubles to the scammer and say, "You win. I wrapped up and walked away. So he followed me for 100 metres to prove that he was the most honest, and my 100 roubles mortally insulted him. You're tougher than that scammer. You are already shitting your pants and proving it with fake documents. It's already ....

21122012 писал(а) >>
Niroba listened to you, I sold at 1.5012 as you told me, so I did, tell me to close at 1.3425 ! Enough for a kilo of potatoes before the New Year !? I'm off to buy an umbrella.

You sure fooled the dude!

22.10.2009 00:40

One of, or all of, those who settled from 1.5012, and the current price is now 1.47,

so if he went in with 1 lot, I'd be making at least 3 grand in profit,

If he came in with 10 lots, then it turns out that I dumped him for $30,000 :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).

I cheated myself too, by adding 11K to my deposit. :)

I do not understand the logic of debloids who stuck to their heads and repeated like parrots one and the same.

Can only pity such people...


I also cheated myself by adding 11K to the deposit. :)

What does 11K mean?

eleven poo or what?