Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 52


How naive people can be, though

Only naive people would think that the Kremlin is naive. What they are doing is called something else. You can guess how...

001 >> :

Only naive people would think that the Kremlin is naive. What they are doing is called something else. You can guess what...

I think they're the ones who put the ban on loki in place.

001 >> :

Only naive people would think that the Kremlin is naive. What they are doing is called something else. You can guess how...

How can I say it?

Even Clinton has already warned. She met with Lavrov and handed him a box with a button. Under the button was written in clear Russian: "Overload." Lavrov started mumbling something, that a couple of letters were missing, that it should say "Reset" and so on. Clinton already gave him this look like: "You're a sucker, really. It was written in Russian that... (in front of people.")

Reshetov >> :

How can I say it?

Even Clinton has already warned. She met with Lavrov and handed him a box with a button. Under the button was written in clear Russian: "Overload." Lavrov started mumbling something, that a couple of letters were missing, that it should say "Reset" and so on. Clinton already gave him this look like: "You're a sucker, really. It was written in Russian that... (I will not say it in public)".

What the hell are you writing about? What kind of sucker? They pressed that button (that was the scenario) together, then had a nice dinner, and literally the next day resumed (restarted) negotiations with NATO after the break-up over Georgia-Ossetia.


I'd shove that button where the sun don't shine...

HILLARY CLINTON– министр иностранных дел (Хиллари Клинтон). Член Бильдербергского клуба, Совета по международным отношениям, Трёхсторонней комиссии, секретный агент ЦРУ по внедрению в анти-военное движение при Yale University (Йельский университет) и Watergate (Уотергейт) слушаньях., старший партнёр в адвокатской фирме Rose Law Firm (Роуз лоу фёрм), шлюхина дочь, ключевое действующее лицо в транспортировке наркотиков в г. Мена (Mena) [штат Аризона, ред. МоР], автор бедствия в г. Вако (Waco) [штат Техас, ред. МоР], причастна к убийству и его последующему замазыванию Vince Foster (Винс Фостер) и многим другим смертям.


You forgot to mention that she was the one who personally shot Kennedy. Just like that, you can't get into top politics for the average American. You just have to be a hardened murderer or be involved in the extermination of penguins in Africa.

Obama is something I dread to think about.

Reshetov писал(а) >>

Even Clinton has already warned. She met with Lavrov and handed him a box with a button. Under the button was written in clear Russian: "Overload." Lavrov started mumbling something, that a couple of letters were missing, that it should say "Reset" and so on. Clinton already gave him this look like: "You're a sucker, really. It was written in Russian that... (not in front of people)".

Cool version ! It is much closer to reality than the official one.

grasn wrote >>
Sergei, you missed something. I mean in our relationship with America. :-)
gip >> :

You forgot to mention that she was the one who personally shot Kennedy. Just like that, you can't get into top politics for the average American. You just have to be a hardened murderer or be involved in the extermination of penguins in Africa.

Obama I'm afraid to even think about.


By the way, penguins live in Africa but are actually disappearing

Yurixx писал(а) >>

Sergey, you missed something. I mean in our relationship with America. :-)

I must have missed it. At least I am glad that you still understand each other :-)

gip >> :

You forgot to mention that she was the one who personally shot Kennedy. Just like that, you can't get into top politics for the average American. You just have to be a hardened murderer or be involved in the extermination of penguins in Africa.

Obama I can't even think about.

You think the elite are the good men and women who created the carbon quotas for developing countries to take care of the planet's climate?