The miracles continue! - page 7

muallch >> :

Either way, it's clearly something with the quotes or the trading settings!

And it doesn't have to be at all. There are other types of errors that can lead to such results. For example, non-normalised opening price in different terminals on the same quotes can lead to the same results.

DC2008 >> :

Try it this way:

  1. Uninstall both terminals and install them in new directories (folders).
  2. Load the history into the Alpari terminal.
  3. Disconnect from the internet and do NOT turn it on until testing is completed.
  4. From the Alpari terminal export the quotes into a file.
  5. From the extracted file download quotes into the MQ terminal.
  6. Try to run your Expert Advisor in both terminals.

First, try to manually clear the cache in both terminals, although it seems that this bug was fixed a long time ago (I am not sure exactly). MetaTrader\tester\caches

It is mandatory for both terminals, it may be incorrect work on the MC.

Question to check, in which directory is the history stored?

muallch писал(а) >>

Angela, let me ask you a question...

Did you connect MK terminal to the same demo account as the Alparev one? If you do not know the names of the servers or IPs, everything is the same?

Either way, it's clear something is wrong with the quotes or the trading settings!

The demo account addresses are different, I opened them separately on each terminal, the servers are the same.

storm писал(а) >>

You can start by manually clearing the cache in both terminals, although this bug seems to have been fixed a long time ago (I can't remember exactly). MetaTrader\tester\caches

It is mandatory for both terminals, it may be incorrect work on the MCU.

Question for testing, in what directory is stored the history?

I tried to change both D:\MT4\history\Alpari-Demo and D:\MT4\tester\history.

Angela >> :

Demo account addresses are different, opened separately on each terminal, servers are the same.

What do you mean "different addresses"? Login and password, maybe? Or different IP?

Here's what you should try. Swap the logins between the termanals and run the test. In connected mode, of course.


Angela писал(а) >>

Have you found a solution to the problem?


Hello Angela.

Which data type do you use to handle double or int ticks ? And if you convert it to integer type, how do you do it?

The point is that the terminal very often makes errors in the last digit during operations with double type.

If you compare two equal variables, for example, like this (the numbers don't have to be like this):

double a=1.5555;

double b=1.5555;

if (a-b>0) Print ("a>b");

else if (a-b<0) Print ("a<b");

else Print ("a=b");

then for some a and b equal to each other, the result can be a>b or a<b, though a=b should be.

Preliminary normalization doesn't give the right result.

Errors occur when comparing, subtracting, dividing and determining the remainder of a division. I didn't check the rest of the operations - the results I found are enough:)))) I can't say how these errors depend on concrete numbers (I was too lazy to find it out). There is a probability it is random, i.e. it occurs or doesn't occur on the same data. One thing I can say for sure is that an error occurs at the last digit.

If your Expert Advisor uses operations of type double and there are many of them, the error is gradually accumulating.

This may be the reason.

PS: By the way, I found this error on Alpari terminal. I did not check it on terminals of other brokerage companies, but maybe it is there too.

GoldenFox писал(а) >>

Errors occur when comparing, subtracting, dividing and determining the remainder of a division. I did not check the rest of operations: I found enough: )))) I can't say how these errors depend on concrete numbers (I was too lazy to find it out). There is a probability it is random, i.e. it occurs or doesn't occur on the same data. One thing I can say for sure: the error occurs in the last digit.

This question has already been addressed on the forum. You may see it here and here

PapaYozh писал(а) >>

This question has already been raised in this forum. You can see it here and here

Thanks for the links.

Yes it is. It's a peculiar game of roulette with the math coprocessor.

storm писал(а) >>

Have you found a solution to the problem?

No, I haven't. Checked another terminal from MIG, it works steadily, although it has 4 zanakas, the results are close to MQ terminal, even better in terms of indicators. I don't want to waste any more time playing with black box, if I had enough information about terminals operation and settings I could dig, but it's just a waste of time. Apparently something to do with Alpari settings, although of course it shows up in specific TS very tick-sensitive. As for now I am remaking my strategy, it may influence not so much to variations of ticks in different brokerage companies.