The dollar is getting stronger ??? - page 2

SEVER11 >> :
Gentlemen, do you think the dollar is strengthening against other currencies ... Or am I the only one who thinks so?

Let's take it one step at a time.

1. China, the biggest accumulator of U.S. debt, has almost stopped buying US treasury bonds, i.e. they no longer need the dollar. Instead of dollars, they buy copper, iron ore, oil and gold. America decided to show China and raised tariffs on Chinese tyres. China responded by considering raising tariffs on American chickens. The International Money Fund recently announced it would sell a large amount of gold to support the currency. China has announced that they will buy up that gold.

2. China asked IMF to create a new worldcurrency for trading and today World Bank President Robert Zoellick announced the dollar's days as a world currency are numbered.

3. Inside the US, Obama continues to increase donations to failing automakers and bankrupt banks. At the same time he tries to create social programs (free health care, cash assistance to poor homeowners, etc.) that require more money. The national debt of the USA is over 11 trillion dollars. To reduce that debt and increase the value of the dollar, there are only three solutions: reduce the national budget (not in the plans), increase taxes (in the plans) and increase interest rates on loans (not in the plans).

So how serious this is, is for you to judge. The dollar should continue to lose value, especially in relation to gold. The more interesting question is whether we are on the brink of a new world war. Remember what hyperinflation led to in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. Nowadays, a rather interesting triangle is forming: the US - Iran - China, which buys 15% of its oil from Iran.

Yes, I too think World War III is about to start. Basically, nuclear war is the perfect excuse to default and redistribute power on the world stage. Remember history, everything now leads to war. Amer will bomb themselves, it does not cost them anything (September 11 - 3000 people), to default they need a lot of blood (millions of people), the aggressor is likely to be Israel, a nuclear bomb and that is all - the default of the U.S.. And the end of the dollar. And that's it - the great financial pyramid is over! Refinancing rates are now at zero. That's it, it's over, folks... it's over. We're likely to witness a really great historical event - a default of the indestructible dollar... and all currencies will collapse along with it...
Yurixx >> :

Yep, the "thoughts" of a pitekanthrope. Ah, sorry - a financial mathematician. I mean, not a financier and not a mathematician.

When you 'grow up' to at least half a million, then maybe you'll start to understand something.

Although it's more likely that without that understanding you'll never grow to serious sums.

gpwr >> :

The dollar must continue to lose value especially in relation to gold. The more interesting question is whether we are on the verge of a new world war. Remember what hyperinflation led to in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s.

In the US and all Western countries there is no hyperinflation, no inflation at all, on the contrary, deflation. Sweden already has negative interest on deposits in the bank, i.e. if the money is kept in an account, 0.25% per annum is withdrawn from it. In short, it doesn't add up.

Alex5757000 >> :
Yes, I also think that World War III will start. Basically a nuclear war is the perfect excuse to default and redistribute power on the world stage. Remember history, everything now leads to war. Amer will bomb themselves, it does not cost them anything (September 11 - 3000 people), to default they need a lot of blood (millions of people), the aggressor is likely to be Israel, a nuclear bomb and that is all - the default of the U.S.. And the end of the dollar. And that's it - the great pyramid scheme is over! Refinancing rates are now at zero. That's it, it's over, folks... it's over. We are likely to witness a truly great historical event - a default of the indestructible dollar... and with it the collapse of all currencies...

They promised the end of the world in 2012...

But they've been promised more than once before.


let's postpone... apocalypse

and these 2 years we will live in pleasure.


timbo >> :

China decides its own destiny. Its fate is simply inextricably linked to that of the United States.

This will work until the first serious conflict of interest. If the quid collapses, China, Japan and the EU will lose a lot, but not everything. The Americans are in a state of SHAH, but no one (yet) wants to put MAT, the current party is satisfied, and the rules of the new party have not been defined.

JavaDev писал(а) >>

While oil is getting cheaper, it is getting stronger.
And the US external debt is steadily rising.

By January 1, 2008, Russia's foreign debt had increased by 38.7%, reaching $550.1 billion, which is equal to the amount of the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves. Russia's external debt repayment schedule
as of April 1, 2009: main debt
(USD billion)

Debt repayment
0 w-

as at
as at 01.04.2009

Payment terms

not observed
not observed

Payment schedule-
fic no-

on demand

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009

October 2009

November 2009

December 2009

January 2010

February 2010

March 2010

total up to 1 year

II quarter 2010

III quarter 2010

IV quarter 2010

I quarter 2011

Total 1 to 2 years

over 2 years

























JavaDev писал(а) >>

While oil is getting cheaper, it's getting stronger.
And the U.S. foreign debt is steadily rising.

Japan's national debt exceeds $7 trillion

Japan's national debt has exceeded the astronomical figure of $7 trillion. According to a special report by Japan's Ministry of Finance, the main reason for this is the constant issue of government securities to compensate for steadily declining tax revenues, RIA Novosti reports.

Japan's debt, the biggest among developed industrial nations, is about 160% of the country's GDP.

According to economic analysts, one possible way out of the situation would be to raise taxes, but Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro has repeatedly said he would not do so until after his term in office.

Canada had a debt of $490 and a half billion. This year it is supposed to add another $50 billion to it.

I think many countries really needed a cheap dollar... But time will tell
timbo писал(а) >>

In the US and all Western countries there is no hyperinflation, no inflation at all, on the contrary, deflation. In Sweden there is already negative interest on deposits in the bank, i.e. if the money is kept in an account, 0.25% per annum is withdrawn from it. In short, it doesn't add up.

It's just another dumb-ass peeple who'll grab any bullshit...

look at how much everything has gone up in Europe in 10 years and then look at the official inflation.