what does artibration mean here? - page 2

Thank-god Avwerosuoghene Odukudu #: This is not right, he has 7 completed projects ... the 5 arbitration (uncompleted project) means project that the customer and the developer did not close, for one reason or the other. Note: if a developer decides to close the project, probably something is too challenging, such is still reflected in his profile. Seeing a 4.5 rating from 7 jobs means he knows what he doing, and not looking for your source code. Someone like him would have read a lot of codes making whatever you feel you are giving him inconsequential.

Even if it is 7 closed jobs, he still had 4 of them disputed against him, as 4 of the disputes have been settled and only one is still under review.

He also only receive 6 reviews, not 7. The reviews however were quite good, which does not explain why the 4 disputes were lost if their reviews were positive.

I stand corrected. Disputed jobs that were closed against the developer, don't appear the "Projects" count.

So it seems he had a total of 7 + 4 jobs = 11 closed projects and 1 job awaiting arbitration review.

all in all, he's still not replied. he doesnt care! so much time wasted
Fernando Carreiro #:

Even if it is 7 closed jobs, he still had 4 of them disputed against him, as 4 of the disputes have been settled and only one is still under review.

He also only receive 6 reviews, not 7. The reviews however were quite good, which does not explain why the 4 disputes were lost if their reviews were positive.

I stand corrected. Disputed jobs that were closed against the developer, don't appear the "Projects" count.

So it seems he had a total of 7 + 4 jobs = 11 closed projects and 1 job awaiting arbitration review.

Yes, correct.
pcindia #:
and here's how he started his introduction, images
I can't speak for him, I was clarifying the misconception, but you need to understand that the service here is quite cheap, you are not paying by the hour and no matter what happens the money would would be returned to your account, albeit the -10%.

 have no Idea why my 10% from my accunt be deducted when I am totally clean on my side. Developer is neither  delivering the work, nor is he replying to my messages inspite of coming on mql time and again, deadline is over many days ago and he just had lame excuses to give.  

He  expressed interest in my Job, he promised to do it, I Hired him for the Money he expected.

Where am I at fault?

the latest conversation, look at his arrogance,image attached
complain.JPG  23 kb


           Your comment awaited please. He applied, I hired him, he never started working. Job cancelled after waiting many days.

   I am the one whose money deducted, I am the one who's time got wasted. 

           Coder lost nothing, MQL website only gained.

pcindia #: Fernando, your comment awaited please. He applied, I hired him, he never started working. Job cancelled after waiting many days. I am the one whose money deducted, I am the one who's time got wasted. Coder lost nothing, MQL website only gained.

And what exactly is it you want me to comment about?

I'm not a moderator. I'm not a admin. What exactly do you want me to do?

I've already stated that you are responsible for your own choices, be they good and bad decisions.

The rules for the Freelance section are clear on this point. Did you read them before using the service?

The rules state that 10% will be deducted irrespective of you winning or losing the arbitration.

Only 3 people can resolve the issue — the arbitrator, the developer, and the customer.

Fernando Carreiro #:

And what exactly is it you want me to comment about?

I'm not a moderator. I'm not a admin. What exactly do you want me to do?

I've already stated that you are responsible for your own choices, be they good and bad decisions.

The rules for the Freelance section are clear on this point. Did you read them before using the service?

The rules state that 10% will be deducted irrespective of you winning or losing the arbitration.

Only 3 people can resolve the issue — the arbitrator, the developer, and the customer.

 Oh, Finally something worth laughing.

I thought that you were Moderator! 

( since you have been replying to all posts, it appeared so)

pcindia #: Oh, Finally something worth laughing. I thought that you were Moderator! ( since you have been replying to all posts, it appeared so)

There is no such thing as "thinking I was a moderator". When users are moderators, it states that under their Avatar, or haven't you ever noticed that before, after so long?

Besides, your thread was not directed at moderators or admins. This is a user forum after all.