EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 954

imho will go down because they went north on the news of the Greek bailout, then it all went downhill quickly, that's the result
gip >>:
Меня на хи-хи пробивает. Если она сейчас пойдет вниз...

NikT_58 >>:

Well, that's great. I've got a few of them. But it doesn't tell you anything, it may hang around the bottom, it may go to the top, and it may hang out in the spot.

I am more inclined to a bounce and a horizontal movement, because oil is cheap (comparatively), and the movement has lasted too long, and the funds are waiting for a rise.


Hi all ! EMA144 & EMA169 on the chart never hurts,

See eur 1 hour, bounces off the wagons, "in general, more often than breakdowns".

Didn't count it myself, but someone wrote so and somehow it's close to the text .


Always up-to-date and first-hand news, no need to search through websites, there is also a beeper, very convenient


But anything is possible, see the Euro 1 hour of October 2,2,26,27 November 2009.


I mean, 4 o'clock is still a long way off,

but at 1 o'clock, the star is ......

DFX писал(а) >>

Um... >> you can't use magic.

>> I'm the Shaman.

gip >>:

Ну эт здорово. У меня таких несколько. Только вот ни о чем это не говрит, она может и вдоль нижней поболтаться, и к верхней границе пойти, и на месте потусоваться.

Я больше склоняюсь к отскоку и горизонтальному движению, поскольку и нефть дешевая (сравнительно), и движение затянулось уже, и фонды в ожидании роста.

That's what I mean.

There's a lot of stomping to do.

And the pivot hasn't even formed yet.

And most importantly, will there be a 5th wave?

What time frame?