EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 780


The outflow of capital from the USA continues.

And it is unclear why they are buying so many cars during the crisis? Do they have super discounts or something?

gip писал(а) >>

The outflow of capital from the USA continues.

And it is unclear why they are buying so many cars during the crisis? Do they have super discounts?

Do you think the powerful can cheat with statistical data?

Fraktal >> :

Do you think the powerful can cheat on statistics?

Well, they always have. So the question should be a little different: Do you think the "mighty" have stopped cheating on the statistics themselves?

Fraktal >> :

Do you think the powerful can cheat on statistics?

A childish question. When we still had everyone running around in the woods with clubs, they already had " Lies, blatant lies and statistics". It's an age-old tradition that everyone is careful to uphold.

But it's not all bad. There are quite a few independent agencies that compete with official statistics in the information market. For a fee, of course.


gip писал(а) >>

There are quite a few independent agencies which compete with official statistics in the market for information. For a fee, of course.

Like the Nirobs? It is these very independent agencies, which offered their services for money, that are said to be the main culprits of the crisis. They took statistics from the same sources and engaged in elementary reselling it in a beautiful package (crap in a candy wrapper). Typical marketing ploy and nothing more.

Something very much resembling a reversal pattern is emerging.
gip >> :
Something very similar to a reversal figure is looming.

Turn left !


And off she went again. Again Bernanke was talking to his dog.
sol >> :

Turn left !



And on the way down