EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 728

gip >> :
Oh, I've done magic :) I'm surprised myself.

I should have done it at the beginning of the week, but now I'm on pins and needles all weekend...

OlegTs писал(а) >>

not at the beginning of the week, but now you're on pins and needles all weekend...

Come on, let's do some magic.

So what don't you like? The glade is being cleared. If the baddies don't drag us down, we'll trade in the shadow of this movement later. That's good.

Yes! It's been a long time since I've seen days like this :))) What can I say, now it's the weekend to work out the options and sleepless Monday night together with the narrow-eyed brothers ...

To finally judge about the reversal is possible after the level below 1.47, the break-through of the trend line is like a signal "attention" - my imho

gip писал(а) >>
So what don't you like? >> the glade is clearing. If not dragged down by villains, then we will trade in the shadow of this movement. >> that's good.

If 1.48 will be broken through today, we can bet on the gap )))) and then we will fly with breaks, which will be ringing in our ears, I may go to the sells only ... so we wait a couple more hours.


All right, all orders closed, EA stopped,

And now for a sweet, sweet sleep like masya used to say.

I'll have something to work on tomorrow,

Good night, everyone, it was nice to be in your company...


Do you know what time the market closes in Moscow?

syan писал(а) >>

do you know what time the market closes in Moscow?

You got less than an hour left.

I've got it, thanks, but what time does it open on Sunday?
No movie ((( I'm going to bed too