EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1881

cr0ss >>:

ээххх :)) а моя бывшая с Крыма... редчайшая тварь блин... так шо дабы не тревожить воспоминания, лучша к бедуинам в Египт-ибн-ёпт поеду чем в свою любимый Крым :(

And me and my ex and my best friend had such a great time there.


strangerr, what are your targets down the cable?

cr0ss писал(а) >>

Ehhh :))) and my ex is from the Crimea... she's the rarest of creatures... I'd rather go to the Bedouins in Egypt than to my beloved Crimea :(

If she was different, you wouldn't appreciate today.
Alexan >>:

strangerr, какие у тебя цели внизу по кабелю?

I don't really watch it much, the chart is on because the poundcad has been in buying for three weeks now.

forte928 >>:

Если бы она была другой то ты бы неоценил сегодняшний день..

You're right there again.))

strangerr писал(а) >>

I don't really watch it much, the chart is on because the poundcad has been in buying for three weeks now.

I see. You laughed so hard at my purchase - I thought you were in hard sells. I'm short-selling. We'll see.
forte928 >>:

Если бы она была другой то ты бы неоценил сегодняшний день..

:))) a wise and deep look!!! thought about it too, I was completely changed by the events of that time, had to die and be born again (almost in the full sense, except physically)

and in some ways one can even be grateful... but I keep wanting to kill the scum and make a terrible nightmare of its life...

but as one of the great ones said, "it's hard to walk on the corpses of your enemies"

well, there you go.

p.s. today is a cloudy day and it's the annunciation, so I had to climb the fence before somebody took my place :))
Here's a thought.
Looks like the eu's on its way up tomorrow.
It meets all the conditions.
Alexan >>:

Ясно. А то ты так рьяно рассмеялся над моей покупкой - думал в жестких селлах сидишь. Я краткосрочно заселлил. Поглядим.

short term... from financial literature - up to 1 year :)))

So what do you say we wait half an hour and go?