EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1787

strangerr писал(а) >>

Sell stop for the night. I don't argue with the need for an MM, but I don't understand why a Sell Stop cannot be used instead of a Stop Loss?

So as not to load up the depot. It doesn't make any difference. At least there's free money here. And you can move too, if there's a problem.
It's a matter of taste, the eternal argument about the loki. I thought you were sending your position to the free float :)
Alex_Xv >>:

Может посоветуете какой-нибудь индикатор для пипсования?

Any oscillator you like, the most important thing is to consider the movements on the timeframes and their possible size.

Galina >>:

У меня 31 нет гэпа не на днях, не на часах.
Мона у вас там просто котировки не грузились ???

exactly 31 first is not in my dc, but umis has it in a contest account, another confirmation is that this dc has its own quotes and there is nothing to do there

exi >>:

Чтобы не загружать депо. Разницы ваще нету. А тут хоть бабки свободны. Можно и переложиться если что.
Тут как бы уже дело вкуса, извечный спор про локи. Я то просто думал Вы ваще позицию в свободное течение отправляете :)

So the depot at the loka is completely unloaded.

SEVER11 писал(а) >>

Exactly 31 first in my dc is not there, but in umis contest account it is, another confirmation of one more thing this dc has its own quotes and there is nothing to do there

Yeah, I have such a gap in my umis too.
They had a gap apparently.

strangerr писал(а) >>

So the depot at the loka is completely unloaded.

That's what I said. That the dough is loaded. And if anything, it's more problematic to switch to another pair.
I think the next 2 hours are dangerous for pips trading.....situation is a bit unclear (although I've seen this kind of thing) . Don't judge strictly I am new to the market.

Guys !!!
Check out euro frank !
Anyone got any thoughts?
How much longer do you think it will fall?

Galina >>:

Ребята !!
Посмотрите плиз ЕВРО ФРАНК !
У кого какие мысли ?
Как думкаете сколько ему еще падать ???

Until it stops.))

I don't like all this, we're not going to go uphill NOW!!!