EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1583

Fibo писал(а) >>

Oh, shit, I've got it. I guess I'll have to put a lock on the 1,349...


Fibo писал(а) >>

Oh, shit, I've got it. I guess I'll have to put a lock on the 1,349...

The main thing is to have a big lock... It'll be roomier in there...
Sta2066 >>:

Не шутка

I'm not saying it's a joke(1.37).
forte928 писал(а) >>

The main thing is to have a big Castle... Then it will be roomier in it...

No, it's only 50 pips, but it's a big lot - it's a pity to put a stop...
And the pound froze.
strangerr писал(а) >>
I'm gonna go as Galina))))
WHO'S ON 1.37?

encouraging, anything is possible but hard to believe....
Fibo >>:

мля, купил. Видать на 1,349 придётся замок ставить...

It won't get there

waitra писал(а) >>

There's something about the British pound going down slow :/

But the franc wants to stomp up, so the pound will move up.
Strangerr I bet on your prediction, third time I buy today, probably the last )

Looks like they're shopping