EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1383


There used to be a FORUM here... Even telepuzik left the branch

SEVER11 >>:

а у нас такой

strangerr писал(а) >>

time will judge

SEVER11 >>:

время рассудит

With my drawing I just wanted to show that the Fibonacci fan is not built at random across the chart, but by the first impulse.
Galina писал(а) >> I'm not gonna prove or explain anything to anybody. (>> I'm sick of it.)

If you dare to communicate publicly, make predictions and trade - then be prepared for criticism and doubts. It's OK. )))

Galina wrote >>
And you, by the way, I've noticed...
You start to argue, not only in this thread by the way, but when I appear there ... :)))
I've also noticed that it's like you're watching me or something... ....
Maybe we know each other? Why the sudden interest in my humble self?

Your posts are very frequent, quite vivid and ambiguous, so I have to pay attention to them. Sorry about that. ))))
Galina wrote (a) >>
I am not so sure if you are just curious about the owls, maybe you will get some feedback from my reals.
>> I'll think about it.
Maybe I will send you a couple in private, but I'm afraid that then you will not leave me alone :)))
Can I help you with something?
I have a lot of programmers working with me, we'll manage quickly, you may get such reports too...
You don't seem to have much to brag about, so you cling to everyone who gets something useful.
Or am I imagining things?
I don't know if you are interested in these posts, I'm not sure if they have been created from scratch, or have been photoshopped with an amazing program. Interested only real like pammov, monitoring (onyx) or at least some kind of contest.
Galina wrote(a) >> But you have nothing to boast about, so you cling to everyone who has something good.
Of course, I can not boast of +400% because I do not have such. Although I may write +10000%. But what's the point? Who will believe it? .....)))))

>> I'm on.


Greetings friends !
Well, who's thinking in principle is clear :)
And this week's news is clearly NOT FOR BAX !!!
There is one thing that confuses me...
Compare the EURUSD and the DOLLAR FRANK (the mirror of the EUR as they say about it) in weeks.
It looks like the DOLLAR FRANK is going down and it is too obvious.
And the eurik is lagging by comparison....

Galina >>:

Приветствую друзья !
Ну что, кто думает впринципе ясно :)
А новости на этой недели ЯВНО НЕ ЗА БАКС !!!
Есть момент один, он меня что то смущает...
Сравните ЕВРА ДОЛЛАР и ДОЛЛАР ФРАНК (зеркало евры как про него еще говарят) в неделях.
Похоже что падать ДОЛЛАР ФРАНК собрался, и как то уш слишком явно он об этом заявляет.
А вот еврик по сравнению с ним запаздывает....

Galina, about the news: don't believe what they write on the fence.
About the Eurobucks and the Buckschief: don't confuse cause and effect.
Galina >>:

Приветствую друзья !
Ну что, кто думает впринципе ясно :)
А новости на этой недели ЯВНО НЕ ЗА БАКС !!!
Есть момент один, он меня что то смущает...
Сравните ЕВРА ДОЛЛАР и ДОЛЛАР ФРАНК (зеркало евры как про него еще говарят) в неделях.
Похоже что падать ДОЛЛАР ФРАНК собрался, и как то уш слишком явно он об этом заявляет.
А вот еврик по сравнению с ним запаздывает....

My view on the dollar is that the franc is correcting and it is time to buy it a bit later, most likely there will be a triple bottom figure, at that time the euro will be >1.40 or thereabouts. So, everything is OK. But for the pound, it is a bit unclear, will it grow faster than the eur?