EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1304


Alternatively, try downloading a terminal from another broker.

At least you can just watch what's going on in the market :))


if you have silverlight from melksoft installed, you can see the charts here: freeware stock charts dot com

or moonlight for linuxoids...


Guys... What's going on? Is tomorrow the day off?

I don't see any news at all...

strange, unusual...

Galina писал(а) >>

Guys... What's going on? Is tomorrow the day off?

I don't see any news at all...

strange, unusual...

It's quieter when there's no news... there's less noise...

Galina >>:

Ребята... а подскажите что у нас завтра выходной чтоли ???

Смотрю ваще никаких новостей нет...

странно, непривычно...

It's all good here

forte928 писал(а) >>

It's quieter when there's no news... there's less speculation...

it's just no news,

or is it a holiday?

because they can steal us by inertia, there is no news, and in any direction...

if everyone is still trading ....

or it's a holiday, I don't get it..... :(

We are now going to 1.3560 from there, a 45p correction in the Asian session

news for tomorrow

Tuesday, 09 March 2010
Time Country Period Name
Forecast Previous
03:01 UK quarter BRC Retail Sales Monitor - BRC Retail Sales Monitor

03:01 UK February RICS House Price Balance
36% 32%
03:30 Australia February Job Advertisements, m/m - ANZ Job Advertisements, m/m

03:30 Australia February NAB Business Confidence Index

08:00 Japan February Index of leading indicators - Leading indicators
96.9% 94.0%
09:00 Japan quarter Prelim Machine Tool Orders y/y - Prelim Machine Tool Orders y/y

10:45 France February French Trade Balance - French Trade Balance
-3.8B -4.3B
11:15 Switzerland February CPI-Consumer Price Index, m/m
0.2% -0.1%
12:30 UK February Trade Balance - Trade Balance
-6.9B -7.3B
18:00 USA February IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index
48.9 46.8
forte928 писал(а) >>
Now let's go to 1.3560, from there the correction at the Asian session is 45 pips

I don't know where the eurik is going to go...

It's been going downhill for a week now.

i really want something powerful, i'm sick of sitting like this....

but of course i will wait, most of the time i have already sat for a while, now there is not much left to do....

I'll wait for my move.

i honestly don't care which way it goes :)))

even if it's down, it's the same decision for me.

I have now closed, all pairs are in a gap, I opened a buy.