EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1255


1.12 ???


ChachaGames >>:

цель пунктов 30-100 в зависимости от жадности и усидчивости :)

That's it, the councillor was satisfied, but he's not greedy, he's likely to go up again.

strangerr >>:

1.1212очень даже может быть.

Galina is not on you))))

Alex_Xv >>:

Галины на вас нет))))

well said...

I was thinking, I looked it up... EURAUD was previously discussed going up...something I deeply doubt....

I think the option expires at 6pm, 1.3600 and we go down.
SEVER11 >>:


I posted a similar variant today (targets also at 1.12-1.13). It turns out to be a double three there (if by waves on W1-MN1).

PS. How nice for the Yen! ))))))

Who knows if the exchange will be open on Monday or not?
xeox >>:
А кто знает, в понедельник биржа будет работать, или нет?

8 March is an international holiday like )))))))))

xeox >>:
А кто знает, в понедельник биржа будет работать, или нет?

Depending on which one)))))
xeox >>:
А кто знает, в понедельник биржа будет работать, или нет?

Usually the DCs in advance inform the email and MT about unusual operation of exchanges, everything is quiet with me...