EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2068

Bocman писал(а) >>


Added to my post,
also, in my opinion, the red-puntish channel is not appropriate here, it looks more like a fading movement and transition to waiting - a flat
(this is my opinion, it may be wrong)

waitra писал(а) >>

added to my post,
also, in my opinion the red-puntish channel is out of place here, it looks more like a fading movement and a switch to waiting - a flat
(this is my opinion, it could be wrong)

If you have noticed all my charts are channel charts and there is a notion of a channel in a channel. If the dollar breaks through the red channel I am 100% sure and this is the 3rd approach the dollar is going up (what tells me the MACDac is going up and the ERSIAI is above the 50th level and also going up)

waitra писал(а) >>


So beautiful...and so smart :)

Big news tonight. Sitting on the fence, dangling my feet ....

12:30am AUD
RBA Assist Gov Debelle Speaks

1:50am JPY
Retail Sales y/y
3:30am AUD
CPI q/q
3:30am AUD
Trimmed Mean CPI q/q
4:56am NZD
NBNZ Business Confidence

All Day EUR
German Prelim CPI m/m

10:30am EUR
Buba President Weber Speaks

4:30pm USD
Crude Oil Inventories

8:15pm USD
FOMC Statement

8:15pm USD
Federal Funds Rate

11:00pm NZD
Official Cash Rate

11:00pm NZD
RBNZ Rate Statement.

exi писал(а) >>

So beautiful...and so smart :)

>> Thank you. Everyone talks about beauty, but not everyone can appreciate intelligence =)

Yes, but here's the Russian way:

Wed 28.04.

- Strong impact
- Medium impact
- Weak impact

Time Country Macroeconomic indicators Period Fact Forecast Previous Impact
01:15 Eurozone Speech by President of the European Central Bank J.C.Trichet n/a n/a n/a n/a
02:30 Australia Speech by Reserve Bank of Australia Assistant Governor Guy Debelle n/a n/a n/a n/a
03:50 Japan Retail Sales March 4.7% y/y 3.7% y/y 4.2% y/y
05:30 Australia Consumer Price Index Q1 2010 0.9% q/q 0.9% QoQ 0.5% QoQ
05:30 Australia Core CPI 2 Q3 2010 0.8% q/q 0.7% QoQ 0.6% q/q
17:00 Germany Preliminary consumer price index April n/a 0.1% m/m 0.5% m/m
18:30 USA Oil and oil product stocks for week to 26 April n/a n/a 1.9 mln bbl
22:15 USA US Federal Reserve interest rate decision n/a n/a <0.25% <0.25%

Alexan >>:

Николай, имхо тебе нужно почитать вот эти две книжки, если хочешь метить волны: - Пректер - Нили.

Обе по воновому анализу. Направление идей у тебя пральное... Но реализация пока хромает. Кое-какие основные правила нарушаешь постоянно. Там не все так просто делается - 12345 и абс. Есть еще куча фигур и вариантов. Пытаться найти везде 8-ми волновую последовательность - неправильный путь.
Чуть позже выложу вариант своей разметки.
Вот кстати форум волновиков, если интересно -

For those who don't understand.
The question is not about the eight-waves, it's about the last unit.
Think correctly.
It's not that simple.

NikT_58 писал(а) >>

For those who don't understand.
The question is not about the eight-waves, it's about the last unit.
Think correctly.
It's not that simple.

From the confused: What exactly is the question about the last unit? What is the right direction to think??? If it's the first wave in the pulse (this unit), then wrong.
Tell me where to think? Give me a vector.
Alexan >>:

От непонятливых: В чем конкретно вопрос о послденей единице? В каком направлнеии думать правильно??? Если это первая волна в импульсе (единица эта), то неправильно.
Подскажи куда думать-то? Вектор задай.

If there is a wave 1 then there will be a wave 3 followed by a wave 5.
And that's a collapse of the euro in the near future.
That's what I mean.
By the way it was discussed yesterday.

NikT_58 писал(а) >>

If there is a wave 1 then there will be a wave 3 followed by a wave 5.
And that's a collapse of the euro in the near future.
That's what I mean.
By the way, it was discussed yesterday.

There is no 1st wave in that place. There will be a collapse, but not because there is a 1st there. Can you make a more detailed breakdown of which larger waves comprise your 1-3-5 (where is 2-4 by the way) and abs? And the last one too?

Here's an option: