EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2066

Bocman писал(а) >>

What do you think ???????

Are you always a question for a question? =)
waitra писал(а) >>

Are you always a question for a question? =)
then the point of asking (

At least 13183 max 13122 so it seems to work out then a slight correction and to the SOUTH

Bocman писал(а) >>

At least 13183 maximum 13122 so it seems

Yeah, there's a high at 1.23 at some banks. Reached the tip of the spike last night to a buy order. Now tormenting it in the box, wondering where to open it (

And this is the picture of the pound yen. There is a very, very good chance that the pair will go down with a target of 129.00

waitra >>:

Ребят, по евре дно или еще вниз пойдем, без отката?

I think it will drop to 1.3150 somewhere ..... if it does, then a pullback from this level to 1.3200 .... I will not buy before .... and I expect it to be 50 pips at the most

Tantrik писал(а) >>

Who's to blame tomorrow? (Should bounce back a bit...).

It's nobody's fault. It has nothing to do with it at all.
I wonder about the second opinion.


I understand everyone was trying to buy today. What's the point? A desire to catch the bottom ? .... utopia. You would rather play on the trend...why look for a was such a solid could have doubled.

waitra писал(а) >>

Are you always a question for a question? =)

there's 1 more level 13153 sorry. 1st one is now this one.

exi >>:

Я так понял все пытались покупать сегодня. А зачем ??? Желание поймать дно ? .... утопия. Вы лучше по тренду играли бы...зачем дно искать...сегодня такой надежный тренд был...можно было удвоится.

it depends what kind of trend you mean .... there is a trend on a 1-minute chart .... and there is a trend on a monthly chart ..... everyone has their own view of trends .... I'm always against it .... I have a strategy (counter-trend) ... I always catch bounces ... and strangely enough it works for me ...

exi >>:

Я так понял все пытались покупать сегодня. А зачем ??? Желание поймать дно ? .... утопия. Вы лучше по тренду играли бы...зачем дно искать...сегодня такой надежный тренд был...можно было удвоится.

But since you catch trends, maybe you can show today's report ... and we'll see if you caught a trend or not by entries and exits (because everyone can say "you could catch" high, but it's of little use and profit