EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2065


The dollar will strengthen more than the euro, yen and pound as it undergoes a fundamental "once in a decade" shift in investor sentiment and begins to be considered a high-yielding asset thanks to the US economic recovery, says UBS AG.

The US currency will also rise due to the Fed starting to raise rates "much earlier" than the ECB, Bank of England and Bank of Japan, while the euro has been losing ground under the weight of sovereign debts, UBS analysts said.

"Attitudes to the dollar seem to be changing fundamentally, something that happens once a decade. The dollar is starting to correlate positively with investor sentiment as the US economy is recovering faster than the European and Japanese economies," the analysts wrote. - The dollar is now likely to strengthen as stocks and commodity prices rise as investors expect higher returns on US assets compared with other G7 countries."

The dollar has lagged behind its major rivals over the past decade as investors seek to buy higher-yielding assets, strategists reminded.

Although Greece needs to get financial help from the EU and IMF to avoid default, "eurozone problems have undermined the image of the euro as an alternative to the dollar," UBS analysts said.

Bocman >>:

Кинь ссылку почитаем алигархов !!!!!!!!!!! try it and see if you can find some dirt!!!

That's it for today and so 203 points, to be continued tomorrow.

I'm going over there .... but I'll be careful ....
on one of the three legs, I'll sell as the situation requires ...
In the third one we'll break through the bottom and go 1.3000 +/- some points according to the situation ...
zhuki >>:
Всё на сегодня и так 203 пункта, продолжение завтра.

Could still go down a decent amount in the last couple of hours.
No one will be buying today.

the euro in the trash ... after Greece! The EU is rotten before it even has a chance to turn around)))) aaaaand pathetic))
NikT_58 >>:

Могут в последние пару часов еще вниз прошить прилично.
Покупать сегодня никто не будет.

i bought .....right the fuck i bought the poundbucks ...i should have bought the pound yen ...just bought the poundbucks and the yen bounced back 100 pips....

132707082010.04.27 16:06buy0.30gbpusdfxf1.52730.00000.00002010.04.27 16:521.52810.000.000.0024.00
there is a reason to buy 30 monitors .... I, for example, cannot physically see 24 instruments on one laptop in my TV

Guys, is the eu a bottom or are we still going down, without a pullback?

waitra писал(а) >>

Guys, is the eu a bottom or are we still going down, without a pullback?

What do you think ???????