EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 2024

Alexan писал(а) >>

Where's our Stranger? All in the garden? We wish we could get some graphs. :)

Today's news. Moscow time.

Wed 21.04

- High impact.
- Moderate impact
- Low impact

Time Country Macroeconomic indicators Period Fact Forecast Previous Impact
04:30 Australia Index of leading indicators February 0,5% 0.2% m/m
12:30 UK Employment change March -5,700 -32,300
12:30 UK Publication of Monetary Policy Committee minutes 0-0-9 0-0-9
12:30 UK Average Household Income Index February 2.5% 3m/year 0.9% 3m/year
12:30 UK Unemployment rate February 7,8% 7,8%
16:30 Canada Wholesale sales February 1.3% m/m 3.0% m/m
18:30 USA Crude oil stocks For the week ended 18 April -2.2 million barrels

Stranger's gone somewhere. Said he'd be gone until the autumn.

Kurapetich писал(а) >>

Stranger is off somewhere. Said until the fall.

Must be harvesting :) Good night everyone.
News for tomorrow:

Thu 22.04

- Strong influence.
- >> Medium impact
- >> Weak impact

Time Country Macroeconomic indicators Period Fact Forecast Previous Impact
03:50 Japan Trade balance March 0.66 trillion 0.47 trillion
05:30 Australia New car sales March -1.9% m/m
10:15 Switzerland Trade balance March 1.79bn 1.29 bn
11:30 Germany Purchasing managers' index in the manufacturing sector April 60,2 60,2
11:30 Germany Purchasing managers' index in the service sector April 55,2 54,9
12:00 Eurozone Purchasing managers' index for the manufacturing sector April 56,8 56,8
12:00 Eurozone Services purchasing managers' index April 54,5 54,1
12:30 UK Public sector net borrowing March 24.2bn 12.4bn
12:30 UK Retail sales March 0.7% m/m 2.1% m/m
12:30 UK Pre-approved mortgages March 51K 48k
12:30 UK Monetary base M4 March 0.3% m/m 0.2% m/m
13:00 Switzerland ZEW economic expectations index April 53,8
14:00 UK Manufacturing Orders Expectations Index April -37 -37
15:00 Eurozone Statement by ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet
16:30 Canada Index of leading indicators March 0.8% m/m 0.8% m/m
16:30 USA Producer Price Index March 0.4% m/m -0.6% m/m
16:30 USA Initial jobless claims for the week ending 18 April 449 ths. 484K
16:30 USA Core CPI March 0.1% m/m 0.1% m/m
18:00 USA Secondary market home sales March 5.28 million 5.02 million
18:00 US House Price Index February -0.1% m/m -0.6% m/m
18:30 Canada Bank of Canada Monetary Policy Report
18:30 US Natural gas stocks for the week ended April 18 87bcf
19:15 Canada Bank of Canada press conference
oleniknik >>:

я, это, не настаиваю... но в начале недели так представлялось....

I'm telling you the elders won't let you in there, it's all a scary turnaround point for old people up there)

upcoming upward movement


Exi, what about the euro pound? Has the triangle pattern changed? Have now touched an important base support line. What are the options for today?
Who has any thoughts? I will now post my pictures.

First option. Disturbing is that they touched and slightly breached the BD base line. Plus the last drop looks like an impulse.

Second option:

And third option (should confirm or deny very soon):


Guys all profits tell me please who sees the pound with the dollar ????
Well sorry it's bothering me, got underwater with it, need to get out or close the loss here's the dilemma !!!


Folks, pay more attention to the pound. It seems to me that the decisive moment has arrived. Seems like a good place to sell. Who has any other options?

Bosun is a minute ahead of me...

Here's a fresh one by Dmitry Vozny. For some reason this time one wants to believe in his markup

This might push it in some direction:

12:30 UK Public sector net borrowing March 24.2bn 12.4bn
12:30 UK Retail sales March 0.7% m/m 2.1% m/m
12:30 UK Pre-approved mortgages March 51K 48k
12:30 UK Monetary base M4 March 0.3% m/m 0.2% m/m

Alexan писал(а) >>

Folks, pay more attention to the pound. It seems to me that the decisive moment has arrived. Seems like a good place to sell. Who has any other options?

Bosun's a minute ahead of us...

Here's a fresh one by Dmitry Vozny. For some reason this time I want to believe in his markup.

I have a sell order triggered at 1.547, so I'm waiting to go down...

waitra писал(а) >>

I have a sell pause triggered at 1.547, so waiting to go down...

One person in favour of going down already :)

Here's a variant of the shallow markup. A double zigzag in correction. A triangle formation is also possible.