EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1935

NikT_58 >>:

5000 то откуда?
Не много?

From there, Nicola, from there, from the bottom up.)) And the SOT reports are a serious thing. And I don't believe in 1 for the euro, 1.29 is closer to the truth.

strangerr >>:

Оттуда, Николя, оттуда, снизу вверх.)))

It's the number that confuses me, not the depth of thought.
So I'd rather have stripes of 1...2...3...4...5.

strangerr >>:

Оттуда, Николя, оттуда, снизу вверх.))) А отчеты СОТ штука серьезная. И в 1 по евро я не верю, 1.29 ближе к истине.

I ask you not to call me Nicolas, it's not very nice.

Have you heard the news? A plane crashed in Smolensk .... But the interesting thing is that the whole Polish government was there .... CAPEZ ....
NikT_58 >>:

Меня цифра смущает а не глубокая мысль
Так что уж лучше полосочками да 1..2..3..4..5

What's wrong with the number? It has gone down 3,000 in the last five months.

oleniknik >>:
слышали новость ? В Смоленске разбился самолет .... Но самое интересное, что там было ВСЕ правительство Польши .... КАПЕЦ ....

Since the morning shows, they said it was the pilot's fault - he came in for landing several times.

strangerr >>:

А что такого в цифре? Он за последние 5 месяцев на 3000 вниз улетел.

I mean, 5,000 in one fell swoop.

strangerr >>:

С самого утра показывают, сказали виноват пилот - несколько раз заходил на посадку.

I haven't heard, whose plane is it?

NikT_58 >>:

Я к тому что 5000 да махом

Only cats are born in one go, that's why they are blind))).
If you seriously do this, the first thing you need to understand is that you can stably earn money only slowly, and the one who thinks he will invest a hundred quid and will be a millionaire in a year, making lots on half a depot, trying to catch every movement on the minutes is doomed.
The production of the USSR Tu-154R.

Anybody know what will happen to the Euro on Monday? =)