EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1823

Galina >>:
Прошу прощенья, что я опять здесь.... :)
Просто мысль пришла... решила поделиться.
Сначало 1.3447 (мона гэп там будет, мона ночью цапнет, мона в понедельник...),
Потом на 1.3606.
Кстати НИКОЛЯ, разметка в корне неправельная, по волнам то....

So what, for example?))) Nicolas is waiting.))

For example, wave C, which you have an impulse wave, is in fact a corrective wave.
Waves 3 and 5 don't end where you said they would.
Wave 4 is just nonsense.
Galina >>:
Например волна С, она у вас импульсная, на самом деле она коррекционная.
Волны 3 и 5 заканьчиваются не там где вы их обозначили.
Волна 4 ВООбще чушь.

This is only at first glance.
The eu is now in correction wave E, the most nasty and tedious nerve-wrecking wave in the diagonal.
If that is true, the eu should not go above 1.3608, if it does, it is not the E !!!!.
Now the eurik should slowly and tediously turn down with the renewal of the local high (not higher than 1.3608).
And also with sharp pullbacks upwards to come to 1.3316,
If this scenario comes true, then two more low-level updates, which I have already written about, and then only upward to the level of 1.47.
If the Yevra crosses above 1.3608, and it does not matter how much, not even by a pip.
Then the picture with the renewal of the lows is canceled.
And then we will only go up to 1.47.

Galina >>:
Например волна С, она у вас импульсная, на самом деле она коррекционная.
Волны 3 и 5 заканьчиваются не там где вы их обозначили.
Волна 4 ВООбще чушь.

Galina, this kind of reasoning just irritates me.
Show me how it should be done.
And everything will be clear.
And I'll tell you the levels.
You can see them.

You know how much I hate waves.... I never analyse them, but I do remember some of the rules.
But when they are posted with outright mistakes that even beginners don't make !!!!
This is even worse!!!
Maybe that's why I do not post wave markings here.
Just the rules of construction are broken, for example by the speed of movement, also by the structure on smaller intervals, by the time of formation,
The 5th wave is shorter than the 3rd one, and it cannot be so in this pattern....
In short, all these mistakes, that's why you don't see where the eu is going next.
It seems that you do not understand at what point of your charting the price is....
Lots of people get it wrong at first.
I think you guys are talking about different timeframes, eternal trouble.
strangerr >>:
Сдается мне, ребята, что вы говорите про разные таймфреймы, вечная беда.

In wave analysis, sorry... I don't think you can talk about different timelines.
That's what wave analysis is all about.
All right, whatever, I won't argue.
I'm going to rest for sure.
It's beautiful.)))
Galina >>:

В волновом анализе, извените... помоему нельзя говарить о разных таймах.
На то он и волновой анализ.
Хотя ладно, бог с ним, не буду спорить.
Все, я точно отдыхоть.

Because the waves and cycles are different on different timeframes.
There is a pullback.
And I rest.)))

Everybody rest!!! How long can we go on?))