EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1820

good afternoon all .... I am thinking of getting into shorts on the canadianzuien, please give your opinions if anyone has any thoughts
Galina писал(а) >>

I think the eurik will be at a new high on Monday-Tuesday.
It's just trend correcting now.
Unless of course it goes lower today.
Then it's off.
In short, I would buy it in a moment, with a stop at today's low.

1500 is the anniversary message. There is an occasion.
Galina, an active part of the forum, including a GIPer with a little baloide, as a former Komsomol and then party worker, of one small construction and statistical organisation,
have decided to organise a competition to find you the most charming girl on the forum. For a contestant, all you have to do is post a photo you can't resist looking at.
Strangerr, as a direct friend and representative of Sorros on the forum, sponsors the winning part of the event, from a small fraction of the profits from his own hand-grown and successfully implemented this year, purely eco-friendly potatoes. And that, I can tell you, is two big differences from the ghostly prizes of the demo competition!!!
We are waiting for the pictures. The more the better.
Coffey sponsor is Mi Ho Lexus with a coffeemaker of the same name.

Galina, this is for you, so you won't be offended.))
strangerr писал(а) >>
Galina, this is for you, so you won't be offended.)))

I'm not offended by anything, it's just my way of expressing myself...
pardon me :))
By the way, you should see "What Men Talk About..."
You won't regret it!!!

Galina, why don't you allow a move to the bottom? And if by Fibo to try 3535 more shorts.

and there's something interesting about this pair ...maybe someone will be interested
odiseif >>:

и по этой паре есть коечто интерсное ...может кого заинтересует

looks like there's a wave coming down pretty hard in the near future
EricGR >>:

похоже там намечается в ближайшем будущем волна вниз довольно сильно смотрится вниз

Judging by the picture, yes, I don't have this pair.

strangerr >>:

Судя по рисунку да, у меня этой пары нет.

Well I'll look at mine, in fact, there are both levels and a downward channel very similar to a kangaroo... so there's a 75% chance of going down.

the strange thing is that even if someone starts selling the price does not budge .... ...tempting as it is to push prices to new levels to take shorts...and then reverse the trend