EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1819

strangerr >>:

Я буду оставлять, а вы смотрите.

What mark do you have the sell line at?

OlegTs >>:

Я так понял, пунктов 300-400 вниз, чтоб голову задурить таким глобалистам как Галина (не в обиду будет сказано) и победное шествие к новым высотам?

I have the first target 1.3380, the second 1.31. Then I will think about 1.3750.

Alex_Xv >>:

У вас на какой отметке селл стоит?

1.3554, 1.3564.

strangerr >>:

1.3554, 1.3564.

(I've been hooked on the needle))

Galina писал(а) >>

There is.....

You maniacs! Even Soros doesn't buy in spades :)

I think the eurik will be at a new high on Monday-Tuesday.
It's just trend correcting now.
Unless of course it goes lower today.
Then it's off.
In short, I would buy it in a moment, with a stop at today's low.

Galina >>:

я думаю еврик в понедельник-вторник, будет на новом максимуме.
Сейчас просто по тренду скорректировался.
Если конечно ниже не пойдет сегодня.
Тогда отменяется.
Короче я бы в моменте покупала его, стопик под минимум сегодняшнего дня.

I disagree, from 1.3380 maybe, but not before.

The Americans came, collapsed and went off to eat whisky, that's all for today.))
Scary oil painting .... The macaroni has opened its mouth ...

4 currencies one way 4 the other ....

I'm still thinking the same thing again :)
As long as the eu is above 1.35, buy.
And 20 - 25 pips on the occasional pierce.
So it's a great place to buy now.
Especially as the support line has not been broken through.
Of course, if the price goes lower on Monday or today mona, I will cancel everything.
I told you, the eu will not give up this key level so easily.
That's the way it's going, she's twiddling her thumbs.
Well, I'll be patient.
By the way, the inverted head and shoulders at 4 o'clock is already forgotten.
It hasn't broken yet....
I don't claim it, but I'm guessing HIGHLY.