EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1716

oleniknik >>:
Поддерживаю намерения полностью !!!
А что бу на 1.3312 это конечно кульминация ! :)))
Но как говарится до туда надо еще дойти....
Galina >>:

(Woah, it would be hard to get there if we're going the other way.))

strangerr >>:

Во во, дойти туда, если мы идем в другую сторону, трудновато будет.)))

Sorry, but that's what you said when you were at 1.3550 and made a buy there.... It's an interesting time and it's hard to say exactly where we are going .... the odds are stacked against us.... but i think we'll be in the 1.3465 - 1.3350 range until april - maybe to 1.3300? we'll see....


oleniknik look in your personal message PLEASE!!!

oleniknik >>:
А я остаюсь в продажах ... По крайней мере до пробития каналов и закрепления там ..... пока только прокалывали .... ни разу не закрылась свеча ни 4Н ни 1Н.... Ночью конечно может быть сюрприз, но думаю в нужную сторону...

Посмотрю завтра по развитию, что делать дальше ...

Цели ориентировочно пока до 1.3300 но посмотрю как проходить будем 1.3350 .... может и закроюсь если на разворот намек будет ... если нет то дольюсь и посмотрю в каком состоянии будет график на 4Н ..... у меня он сейчас начинает разворот ....

I agree about the night surprises ) Asians like to blow the euras at night )

oleniknik >>:

Извините, но ты это же говорил когда были на 1.3550 и сделал там покупку.... сейчас интересный момент и сказать куда точно пойдем тяжело .... шансы равнозначны.... но я думаю что до апреля будем мы в диапазоне 1.3465 - 1.3350 - возможно до 1.3300? посмотрим....

It's just that I look at the indicators that we are going down hard, but we're not really going down.

strangerr >>:

Просто я смотрю, что по индикаторам мы падаем не на шутку, а самого падения то нет.

Don't exaggerate.
If you look at it that way, the eu did not rise either.
It depends on which move you compare it to.
Tomorrow the eurik will be higher, that's where we should short it.
At least that's what I will do.
oleniknik писал(а) >>

It's an interesting time and it's hard to say exactly where we're going .... the odds are stacked against us.... but I think we'll be in the 1.3465 - 1.3350 range until April - possibly up to 1.3300? we'll see....

Once UZH (for lovers of Russian verbiage - there is such a saying UZH-ZAMUZH-NEVER spelled with S and B!) rolled forecasts, I suggest this variant (by Neely):

That is POSSIBLY a triangle has started to form, and in general what is known as a Double Combination. It is just that if something more complicated takes place, the Euro will go down to the parity... I don't want that :))).

strangerr >>:

Просто я смотрю, что по индикаторам мы падаем не на шутку, а самого падения то нет.

that's what I had with this rise ... that's why I bought early .... I was panicking then that the indicators had turned but the rebound didn't start until a day later... Now the indices have also changed but no big drop yet .... Maybe, like always, before the change of direction, to rush in the direction of the previous move and then gradually in the right direction as always... in short, I'm observing - if not according to plan, then I will turn around and do everything....

Anyone who might be interested. Found it online:

"Aid to Greece threatens to have far-reaching consequences

Last week, after much debate, the heads of the 15 eurozone countries agreed to bail out Greece. However, a threat loomed over the decision. Four German professors, Wilhelm Hankel, Wilhelm Nölling, Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider and Joachim Starbatti, wrote the Austrian Die Presse with reference to the British Financial Times that in case other Eurozone countries help Greece, they are preparing a complaint to the German constitutional court (BVerfG) to demand that Germany should leave the currency union.

In their complaint, says Oliver Grimm, author of the publication, the professors are going to refer to the 1993 and 1998 BVerfG fundamental decisions related to the introduction of the euro in Germany. Their essence is that Germany must leave the monetary union in case other eurozone countries fail to observe budget discipline to the extent that German taxpayers will have to answer for their debts."

hilarious... :)))