EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1714

NikT_58 >>:

Галина, а Ваше какое мнение вверх или вниз?
Меня интересует долгосрочный прогноз.

Long term.
As long as the eurik is under 1.3525 NOTHING CHANGES !!!
Getting ready for shorts, keeping my hand on the pulse.
But if we go up today or tomorrow I'm calling it off.
Crucial days for the eu.
I'm looking down at 1.2780 or so.
What I don't know is, now that the eur has been bought back, they have given it to the proud Greek people. When will the proud Greek people run to spend it? When will it go back to the free market?

Has everyone gone to sleep? Quiet :))) Is Aussie thinking of going down or not?

Galina >>:

Пока еврик под отметкой 1.3525 НИЧЕГО НЕ МЕНЯЕТСЯ !!!
Готовлюсь к шортам, держу руку на пульсе.
Но если мы сегодня наверх вылетим, или завтра я все отменяю.
Решающие дни сейчас для евры.
СМОТРЮ ПО НЕЙ ВНИЗ НА 1.2780 примерно.

Galina, why is the 1.3525 level so important for the long term? If the euro turns down below 1.3817 on the H4 I will settle with a normal lot.

exi писал(а) >>

The main thing is to understand the place of this triangle in the overall structure. Sometimes they just don't fit, so it's a good idea not to do that. But then again, the most common corrective patterns are triangles and not Zigzags, as many people think. So, this variant is certainly (statistically) correct.

P.S. I corrected the time length on April 3. I estimated that on the H4 the D wave (the longest by time) takes 39 candlesticks. So wave E will be 39 and more. Again, it is more correct to calculate as monowaves, not candlesticks.

According to the monowaves of this triangle (GBPUSD), the following situation is as follows:
Wave a - 22 monowaves
Wave b - 11 monowaves
Wave c - 25 monowaves
Wave d - 29 monowaves
Wave e is 8 monowaves so far.

In the overall structure it is similar to the x-wave after abc (the picture I posted). Although there is a muddy structure of course

Alexan >>:

Чето все уснули чтоль? Притихли :)) Аусси думает падать или нет блин?

We need to walk up a bit more

Galina, can I ask you a question? Have you closed the eaud or are you refilling it? I wanted to get your opinion and come in, for a cuppa.
Galina, doesn't this look like a U-turn to you?
strangerr >>:
Галина, а не кажется вам, что это разворот?

U-turn where ???