EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1644

strangerr писал(а) >>

So you and I have been drawing for a while now. Tomorrow morning, OK, because I spent half a day with the paperwork today, it's a brainwashing ......

I am in no hurry :))

exi, any markings on the pound? I have made a drawing here, I want to understand when the pattern finishes to make a normal entry. It's not clear yet, either. Here's the big ones:

It looks like it's expanding now. It's either an X or a 4.

Looks like we're going to go up today after all...

olivero >>:
Поставил ZUP_v84.
Эта сволочь у меня локально вверх показывает:((
У кого какие мнения?
Из продаж пока вышел в БУ

And throw me a link to the 84, please.
olivero >>:
Поставил ZUP_v84.
Эта сволочь у меня локально вверх показывает:((
У кого какие мнения?
Из продаж пока вышел в БУ

Now I think we'll go to 3420 tomorrow and then we could go down next week)

zup_v84.mq4  365 kb
Alex_Xv писал(а) >>

Now I think we will go to 3420 tomorrow as well, and next week we can go down)

Now we're gonna go
its 3552 to close

RekkeR писал(а) >>

That redheaded cat has crossed the road again. Locally drawing conclusions, Gip, we got on the wrong train or it's going the usual roundabout way.


RekkeR писал(а) >>

That redheaded cat has crossed the road again. Locally drawing conclusions, Gip, we got on the wrong train or it's going the usual roundabout way.

And if it's no secret...
Are you wearing shorts?
>> that's weird...
i thought it's customary here on this forum to trade backwards from my predictions...
like right now you should be in the longs... ))))
or what :) ???
Galina >>:

А если не секрет...
Вы что в шортах ???
мне казалось здесь на форуме принято торговать в обратную сторону от моих прогнозов ...
вот например сейчас вы должны быть в лонгах :))))
Или как :) ???

Nah, I'm still waiting for that trend to end. I'm following it for now. Observing. Anyway, I'm in sales.
gip >>:

Не, я всё ещё жду, когда этот тренд закончится. Пока следую за ним. Наблюдаю. В общем я в продажах.

Gip, be on the lookout near 1.33.