EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1614

strangerr писал(а) >>
Either the thoughts are gone or the people have gone north)))

>> Elks to sell, or there's been a lot of buying.
Galina >>:

А как давно вы следите за прогозами Форте и Странглера ?
Мне кажется совсем немного, недели две ?
Yes, about a month, once again I will say that Stranger's predictions are correct, on TA. Pity he doesn't want to explain to newcomers.

Place your bets, gentlemen! Looks like the Americans have turned the pair around to the north!

Vlad72 писал(а) >>

Personally, I think there are no rules, no regularities, and I consider every action a strictly individual case.
I believe in only one thing 100% - the Law of Deceit. ))))

The law of meanness is from not knowing one's FUTURE.

rustein >>:
Да, примерно месяц, ещё раз скажу что прогнозы стрэнджера правильные, по ТА. Жаль объяснить новичкам не хочет.

Well, that makes sense then.
You yourself are a newcomer.
he hasn't figured out who's in charge yet :))))
strangerr >>:
То ли мыслей нет, то ли народ ушел на север)))

While to the north, to the north...

strangerr писал(а) >>

If that's the way you think, then we're all doomed to drain the depo))) There should be no correct predictions in principle, then why does Forte have so many hits?

As for Forte and many others, only observing your own rules of TC one can achieve something. That's what I said above, each case should not be considered as I saw it somewhere, not like that figure has moved and it should end this way, but strictly individually.

Vlad72 >>:

Да, не исключён тот вариант, что мы можем слить депо.Что касается Форте и многих других, только с соблюдений собственных правил ТС можно чего то достичь.О чём я и говорил выше, каждый случай нужно рассматривать не так, что где то я это видел,не так, что вот пошла фигура и она должна закончится вот так, а сугубо индивидуально.

+ with an eye on the past....

If you don't know your past you have no future
Galina писал(а) >>

Well, that makes sense then.
You yourself are a newbie.
>> he doesn't know who's in charge yet. ))))

strangerr >>:

Если бы вы внимательно посмотрели на те скрины, которые выкладывает Форте и проверили по точкам и времени, то очень удивились бы, совпадение офигенное, я это проверял не раз.
No argument here, forte himself knows what he's doing and for what purpose, it's his business, what he wants to offer me is of no interest, I'm not an investor. I appreciate very much that stranger showed what and where he opened, even if he went down, lock, it doesn't matter, I think he was always honest. And the forecasts are real, not up and down every hour. Too bad you don't trust yourself stranger.