EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1453

Alexan писал(а) >>

Like "an explosion in a pasta factory"? Well funnily enough...
The pound up to and including H4 is ready to fall... But on the big TF... >> Risky.

The pound is a bit early to short.
In general it is too early to go for the quid now.
At least until the news we will grow a bit more, and then we will see what is what :)))

Galina писал(а) >>

This is not a recommendation !!! nor a guide to action !!!
Not all signals are formed yet, most likely the level in the picture that I am waiting for to open shorts on the pair WILL be shifted upwards by the MONTHLY SIZE.
Therefore this is preliminary for now.
At the moment I am waiting for the new momentum in the pair (I mean locally).

I think so too, I just can't understand what would have to happen fundamentally for the pair to make such a reversal? Australia is the most stable economy--- unless the US raises its interest rate
Galina >>:

Фунт шортить рановато.
Вообще рано сейчас за бакс вставать.
Как минимум до новостей порастем еще немного, а там посмотрим что к чему :)))

what I see. so it's news after all. waiting for news?

dentraf писал(а) >>

I think so too, I just can't understand what has to happen fundamentally in this pair for there to be such a reversal? Australia is the most stable economy--- unless the US raises the interest rate

No need to think about it.
We mortals will never understand what goes on in the minds of the powers that be, just trade!
The news has always been bad for me personally, I now use it only as a TIME ORIENTER, it's very convenient.
And trying to make sense of all this maze.... Sorry, without me :)

oleniknik писал(а) >>

what i see. so it's news after all. wait for the news?

Why should I wait for news? :)))
I just have to put a stop loss at 1.3618 for all open positions at JPY.
And I will be able to do it only when I see the daily closing price above 1.3812.
So I personally do not care right now.
But in general I think so... only I am afraid that the eurik will go higher on the data !!!!

Galina писал(а) >>

No need to think about it.
We mere mortals will never understand what goes on in the minds of the mighty, just trade!
The news has always been bad for me personally, I now use it only as a TIME ORIENTER, it's very convenient.
And trying to make sense of all this maze.... Sorry, without me :)

Honestly, with the EUR Aussie you didn't look at the fundamentals and your entry was not good, something would have to happen to reverse the pair and you don't see it coming.

dentraf писал(а) >>

Honestly, you did not look at the fundamentals of the Euro Aussie and your entry was not very good, something has to happen there to reverse the pair, and it is not going to happen yet

What fundamentals, dont make me laugh :)))
Frank is weightier just now that's why EURA AUSTRALIAN is going down.
Moreover, I did not hide the size of stop orders when entering the longs.
Of course, my pose is breathing heavily, but nevertheless I think it will work out.

Regarding the pound. i think they are blowing the news now. the election is coming up. and the current government needs to make things look pretty. there is also a bunch of news coming out tomorrow on balance sheets etc. maybe tomorrow will decide to sell the pound. Well at least soon and for an extended period of time - a couple of weeks I think.
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So the eu seems to have moved down a little bit?
Although I have an upward trend at 4 o'clock.