EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1436

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I'd like to go like this

RQ_ писал(а) >>

Who moves the market back and forth!? .....


oleniknik писал(а) >>
I'd like to go like this

Gazprom only speculates in GAS...I repeat GAS...

forte928 >>:

Газпром спекулирует только ГАЗОМ...повторяю ГАЗОМ...

and sometimes even a brake


You naughty kids :)))
Forte, I can tell by the mood... You must have made some money today.
Admit it!


There's a lot of buy signals coming from H4. What's that about?

RQ_ писал(а) >>

There's a lot of buy signals coming from H4. >> what's that about?

That's what it's about, she'll come to the hai, that's where it'll all be solved,
But for me, it's been a long time coming. )))))
I'm a cool girl, I like myself!!!
Good for you. ))))

RQ_ >>:

Что-то от Н4 пошло много сигналов на покупку.. К чему бы это?

you're wrong! it's not buying, but a partial closure of the shorts! after all, they have accumulated about 8 billion! and to start real buying we need a surge to the north, as it was in November/December (mass closing of positions!) and a pullback for a more comfortable entry into the market
Galina >>:

Вот к чему, ща она к хаю подойдет, там все и решится,
Но для меня так уже давно вопрос решон :)))))
Я крутая девченка, сама себе нравлюсь !!!
Ай да молодец :))))

Stop praising yourself or you'll jinx it.

It goes and let it go.