EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1382

forte928 >>:

А поповоду того что движение должно быть резко пойти вверх то такая фантазия у шизофреников только - все движения на рынке строго гармоничные как окружающее нас пространство.

Something you, dear Forte, are saying is unbelievable.

Galina писал(а) >>

I'm telling you,
Forte, I'm not saying that there will be a move, I just wanted to see how your charts would be laid out then and that's all!
And about the schizophrenics, sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to.
I always look forward to your predictions, your opinion is important to me.
I think you're one of the very few people on this forum who has a good point.
That's why I only asked for a guess on this move, to see how the lines would go then and that's all.
And also...
The EUR has only 100 points to go up to 1.3860, it may do it in a couple of hours.
So, do not consider people who allow it to move in principle, consider them slyphrenics.
Rather, those who do not believe in it, under any circumstances, are SOMETHING.

I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to, but the euro dollar is more of a technical pair than other currencies, it almost walks well in time zones, when forecasting others you often need to see the specifics before you start making markups...
Galina писал(а) >>

So, do not consider people who allow this movement in principle, to be SCOOPHENICS.
Rather, those who do not believe in it, under any circumstances, are SCHIZOFRENIC.

Galina, with all due respect, there is some discrepancy here. In reality you have reached a result of about -60%, but in words you have -

Galina wrote (a) >> something like 400 %,

In my opinion that's too much of a discrepancy between words and deeds. )))
LeoV писал(а) >>

Galina, with all due respect, there is some discrepancy here. In real life, you've achieved something like 60%, but in real life, you're saying -

It seems to me that there is too big a discrepancy between your words and your deeds. )))

Not going to prove or explain anything to anyone. (already sick of it).
And you, by the way, I've noticed...
You start engaging in dialogue, not only on this thread by the way, but usually only when I appear there ... :)))
I've also noticed that it's like you're watching me or something... ....
Maybe we know each other? Why the sudden interest in my humble person?
Or maybe you just like the reports of my owls, it would probably be very interesting for you to look at reports from my reals?
I'll think about it.
Maybe I'll send you a couple in private, but I'm afraid that you will not leave me alone :)))
Can I help you with something?
I have a lot of programmers working with me, we'll manage quickly, you may get such reports too...
You don't seem to have much to brag about, so you cling to everyone who gets something useful.
Or am I imagining things?


OK, I'm off to bed.
See you on Monday.
Good luck, everyone.

strangerr писал(а) >>

Reading about forex? ))))

As much as possible. Don't you?
Aqwarius >>:

По мере возможности. А ты разве нет?

I Russian folk tales.))))
As for the coming movement, the way I see it is this:
There is no clear movement anywhere so far, I have a feeling that until autumn, almost till the end of this year, a triangle will be drawn which will break through downwards, as a result of which we will get the second wave of the crisis that is being talked about so much.

On tf MH the triangle is already drawing a move up I see a maximum to 1.47.
Byrber писал(а) >>
Here I have a similar option :

>> and we have this.


and here's the adjustment to my signals