EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1381


The first build, which I made a couple of days ago, I simply blew it - not only did the forecast not come true, but it also missed the points that were indicated - the thing is that the EUR follows a certain law and therefore the approach to it is completely different - what I am drawing manually now can practically be realized by indicator drawing with small initial additions manually from a major TF, although the problem may disappear if the initial step for a certain pair is strictly set in the automatic system...


why i argue that the last fifth wave should be lengthened can be observed on the downtrend on D1, the downward wave had an elongated loop that did not fit into the time frame exactly the same i observe and when reaching levels on the last wave of the current downtrend on H1


Why do I argue that the last fifth wave must be lengthened can be observed on the downtrend on D1, the downward wave had an elongated loop that did not fit into the time frame exactly the same I observe and when reaching levels on the last wave of the current downtrend on H1, just as beautifully fit into the downtrend channel that passes to the lower boundary of the rising H4 channel. at the moment I have a fully automated channel construction with the ability to quickly change not only the channel colours but also turn off those channels


I think Forte, you're not hearing me.
And you don't seem to be considering the option of the eurik making 1.3860 without a pullback at all.
I'm not trying to argue, and I'm not saying it will move or not.
I was just asking a different question.
Let's pretend that the eura on Monday or Tuesday will immediately come to the above figure.
Draw a graph in your mind, imagine it's already there.
Or is that impossible to predict for a number of technical reasons ?

Galina писал(а) >>

I think Forte, you're not hearing me.
And you don't seem to be considering the option of the eurik making 1.3860 without a pullback at all.
I'm not trying to argue, and I'm not saying it will move or not.
Just my question was about something else.
Let's pretend that the eura on Monday or Tuesday will immediately come to the above figure.
Draw a graph in your mind, imagine it's already there.
Or is that impossible to predict for a number of technical reasons ?

it cannot be so for a number of reasons that all movements are wave-shaped but these waves should repeat a certain time cycle, and each wave is a rising movement, and there are no fundamental reasons for a sharp strengthening so far, and the current trend is concerns about Greece...All the growth is primarily due to the fact that there are some shifts on the solution of economic problems in the euro area but any attempts to say something about the unwillingness of Germany to help starts to unambiguously form such a rejection
forte928 писал(а) >>

this cannot be the case for a number of reasons .......
All Forte I have no more questions :))))))
i dont know where the market is going to go locally, i always said it is difficult for me to make local predictions for various reasons (the system gives out too much error, so i dont even try to go there)
Because anything can happen there (in the market)!
You have been wrong lately, and that's just what you say.
You cannot look at only one way, you have to look at all options, and for you each of your markings is the only possible one.
You can't do that.

As for the fact that the movement should sharply go upwards, this is the fantasy of schizophrenics - all movements in the market are strictly harmonious as the space around us.


I'm just saying,
I have never looked for any reason to explain price movements.
I don't need to know why things happen, I don't care about fundamental or technical analysis.
You write about waves, channels and other things that mean nothing to me.
You always, even now, try to find explanations for why the patterns worked, or why they didn't work.
But I personally don't need any of that.
I have a strategy that just can't fail to produce profits, and it's based on bare numbers.
I just wonder WHY YOU CANNOT even foresee that you might be wrong.


I will say I have heard both sides but forte has a downside
It is better to take the fundamental data in a smaller scale, like sifting through sand with your fingers and not trusting all the media.

Check out the beginning of the week over here.

What's in the hand of the Euro and in the butt of the dollar
Empire Manufacturing / Empire State Manufacturing Index
Net purchases of US securities by foreign investors / TIC Long-Term Purchases
Change in Industrial Production

I think we'll get to that target without waves at 3pm on Monday and 4pm on Monday and that's where Galina is going to be

and there is only one upside for the quid talking around the bush

Federal Funds Rate - which it would be suicidal to change, but to say we will change for the good
forte928 писал(а) >>

And as for the fact that the movement should be sharply go up, it is only the fantasy of schizophrenics - all movements in the market are strictly harmonious as the space around us.

I'm telling you,
I'm not saying that there will be such a move, I just wanted to see how your charts would look like and that's all!
And about the schizophrenics, sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to.
I always look forward to your predictions, your opinion is important to me.
I think you're one of the very few people on this forum who has a good point.
That's why I only asked for a guess on this move, to see how the lines would go then and that's all.
And also...
The EUR has only 100 points to go up to 1.3860, it may do it in a couple of hours.
So, do not consider people who allow it to move in principle, consider them slyphrenics.
Rather, those who do not believe in it, under any circumstances - SHIZOFRENICS.