EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1379

xeox писал(а) >>
Guys, tell me approximately where we're going to fall, because I checked in early and now I'm afraid... I don't have any stops, I want to go out with a minimum loss

In my opinion, if we fall, it will not be much. I think the price will be 1.3735(+-) and then it will go up by 100 p.
Galina писал(а) >>

At 1.38 67 went probably....
Who thinks in the moment ???
Anybody have any local pictures ???

This is how I see 2010, time will tell (euro,gold,ruble)

rknekhaidnbl.rar  271 kb

It's been a day now that the images don't load, they crash, only in the archive


I was kidding
SEVER11 >>:

Уже который день почему то не грузятся картинки, происходит сбой.Только в архиве

Sta2066 писал(а) >>

I was joking.

Every joke has its share of jokes.
Aqwarius >>:

В каждой шутке есть доля шутки.

Reading about forex? ))))
Hello all!
Information for reflection. For eurodollar trading in the second half of March.
2003-2008 - 5-year red line
1998-2008 - 10-year blue line.

SEVER11 писал(а) >>

This is how I see 2010, time will tell (euro, gold, ruble)

Thank you !
I am very glad that at least someone thinks like me :))
I completely agree with your first goals, except for gold, it seems to me to be above your line.
But you're right, time will tell.

Galina >>:

Спасибо !
Очень рада, что хоть кто то думает так же как я :))
С первыми вашими целями согласна полностью, кроме золота, оно мне кажется выше вашей линии сходит.
Но вы правы, время покажет.

Where are the targets? I don't understand anything.