EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1372

chepikds писал(а) >>
1.38 will decide everything... Up to this level I stand in the bays, a bit lower even, then I will roll over with a stop at 1.3820, or something like that, if it goes down, good, if not, I will manage to roll up... It seems to me, Galina, you have the same plan))))

I'm sick and tired of this pose.
That's all.
If there's any back signals on my counting board, I'll come out.
But until they do, I'm gonna hold on to them.
And stops, I will in any case, in "0" move as above 1.38 will be

forte928 >>:

вероятнсть роста до 1.38 отчень высока я бы сказал 1.37780 эта точка определяет начало разворота для формирования четверной волны (волны коррекции)

I support the level ...I also have a limit hanging there ...only I have a problem with closing orders ...I can't figure out when to exit the market, so I lose a lot of money.... I even bought Funtokenguru at the very bottom .... and closed it when I know when ....

244766552010.03.10 10:34buy0.50gbpaud1.62650.00000.00002010.03.10 19:591.63500.000.000.00388.41
here is the eurodollar picture .... and i could have pipsed 10 pips .... but my hand did not take too long to sell at 1.3738....
Galina >>:

То есть еще один развод кроликов по ней будет.
Сначало всех в лонги засадит,
Махом на минимумы свои прогуляется, тем самым вытрехнет всех из лонгов,
и засадит тут же в шорты....
ПОследняя парития кроликов !!!
Так то братцы.
Сами понимаете, могу и ошибаться :)))
Затеяла евра игру недобрую.... и че о мне в ней становится некомфортно....

And along the road the dead with scythes stand...

So they're all dead.


Galina, you should be in the TV studio on Goodnight Babies, repeat after 12 o'clock. Talking about forex. Maybe then there'll be fewer kids messing around in this thread.

So I take my hat off to you and admire your theatrical talent ;)))

gip писал(а) >>

And along the road the dead with scythes stand...

So they're all dead.


Galina, you should be in the TV studio on Goodnight Babies, repeat after 12 o'clock. Talking about forex. Maybe then there'll be fewer kids messing around in this thread.

Hats off to you for your theatrical talent.)

Thanks :)))
i liked it too !!!

got it wrong by 1 hour candle... and what are the consequences... under-received 40 ppts ...
mixo_lexus писал(а) >>
got it wrong by 1 hour candle... and what are the consequences ... underpaid 40pts.

you don't get 10 pips, you start crying!!!

So, guys, should we go down now ???
Or are we going to grow a bit more ???

I agree ... we can try ... but very carefully
Yeah, feel like a bear)))

No... you guys don't get it....
I'm in the longs :)
I'm not going short, I'm just locally testing my thinking :)))