EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1368

Alexan >>:

Все просто спят похоже. Да и на рынке такие непонятки, что похоже никто не может определиться с направлением.

Rather, no one can believe it.

RekkeR писал(а) >>

Gip wrote >> will soon wake up and be your opponent.

>>It's all very oiled up.

>> he wakes up before any of us.

forte928 >>:

он раньше всех нас просыпается

Eugene, waiting for the forecast.

On the quiet:
investors are hesitant to open large positions until US retail sales data is released today, which is seen as a key indicator of the pace of global economic recovery, says Jessica Hoversen, an analyst at MF Global in Chicago.
Waiting for 4.30pm
Lord_Shadows писал(а) >>
Dead silence in the thread. Is everyone sitting in euro sales?
P.S. Evgeniy (forte), what are you going to do today. Has the layout of levels and main directions of movement changed?

Recoil at 1.3637 then growth at 1.3755

OlegTs >>:
По поводу тишины:
инвесторы не решаются открывать крупные позиции до выхода сегодня данных по розничным продажам в США, которые рассматриваются как ключевой индикатор темпов восстановления мировой экономики, говорит Джессика Ховерсен, аналитик MF Global в Чикаго.
Ждем 16.30мск

Large investors don't open positions, much less large positions, on a single piece of news. Their task is to buy a forecast before it is released once or to predict (for which they hire whole teams of real analysts and specialists) the forecast is two. And their targets are not 100-300 pips. On the news and their expectations speculators of all stripes work, from our level to the giants.
Good luck to everyone and good trends!


the probability of a rise to 1.38 is very high I would say 1.37780 this point defines the start of the reversal to form a quadruple wave (correction wave)

forte928 >>:

вероятнсть роста до 1.38 отчень высока я бы сказал 1.37780 эта точка определяет начало разворота для формирования четверной волны (волны коррекции)

Are you referring to the wolf wave
bariga писал(а) >>

Are you referring to the wolf wave

no eliott waves - wolf waves are a tie-in to eliott waves for predicting forthcoming movement - although you could say they simply complement as a prediction tool...


About the news factor
At 13:00 Last eurozone statistics this week

13:00 EU Change in Industrial Production January -1.6% mom
-4.8% y/year
0.8% mom
-1.8% y/year

which could give upward momentum and as a consequence the bad forecasts for the quid will still stimulate growth.