EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1366

Hi. I think there's a toilet...I'm Sell,25 stop.
RekkeR писал(а) >>
20:57 Obama urged China to move to a more market-oriented currency system

Galina, how are you doing in the field of competition? Can I toast to the perspective of victory already?

forexfactory com/calendar.php

To tell you the truth, not so much.
If you remember, I was away for two days, I didn't have time to count.
So I went from the top to the bottom in a hurry.
I'll continue next week.
I'm not gonna open any positions this week.

RekkeR писал(а) >>
20:57 Obama urged China to move to a more market-oriented currency system

Galina, how are you doing in the field of competition? Can I toast to the perspective of victory already?

forexfactory com/calendar.php

I have to start all over again :)
Well, it doesn't matter :))

Galina >>:

Чесно говаря не очень.
Я, если помните отлучалась на два дня, не до счета было.
Ну и слетела быстренько с верхов в самые низы.
На следующей недели продолжу.
На этой ушь не стану позы открывать.

I've posted a few times, but have apparently gone unheeded. There's a competition starting the other day at uwc, short, 300/200/100 prize pool. Give it a try if there's any excitement.

RekkeR >>:

Я несколько раз писал, но осталось видимо без внимания. В uwc на днях начинается конкурс, короткий, 300/200/100 призовой фонд. Попробуйте, если есть азарт.

Unblock the link please...


No, I just want to test the strategy, I'm not chasing any prizes, and I'm trying to encourage other people on the forum to have the right ideas.
You know, many of my ideas came to me while I was trading in the contest.
That's amazing.
In fact most people give up after the first unsuccessful deals and think "Oh, well, it's just a demo!
I`m sure that 30% of them do not know how to trade and try however hard they may behind the locomotive.
Another 10 to 15 per cent do not start trading during the whole contest.
That is you are really competing with roughly 20-25% of all the competitors.
And then the most interesting thing begins.
If you ask yourself how you can outrun them and think about it, really think, then you begin to understand how the world of "Forex" works.
And you start to come up with great ideas about trading methods, as well as about improving your own trading.
I'm serious, a couple of tournaments like this, and you are not just a person, you become a trader!
Just the way it should be.
Try it, I think it is very useful.
And how my friends have improved their performance!
When one person makes a difference, it's one thing, but when several people....
there's a lot to think about ))))

Galina >>:

Поробуйте, помоему это очень полезно.

I trade intraday, sometimes pips to shake things up, every day there is a competition, only without the right to withdraw.
I have no time to live, what kind of competitions.

RekkeR писал(а) >>

I trade intraday, sometimes pips to shake things up, every day there is a competition, only without the right to withdraw.
No time to live, what kind of contests.

It's hard for you...
A few years ago I used to trade like that.
But I wasn't good at it, I told you that already.
Slowly and surely I was losing one deposit after another.
Now only robots and multicurrency trading on daily intervals.

mixo_lexus >>:

Отбояньте ссылчоку плиз ..

I don't have the link, google the title. I read it by accident, I don't need it, I remembered it, I wrote it.

I read the title accidentally, I don't need it, I just remembered and wrote it. It's easier to do it with your hands.
22:05French President Sarkozy: We don't think it's desirable for the euro to be weak
21:51 *Bank of Canada Governor Carney: Some emerging markets face difficulties coming from fixed-rate currencies


Well, this is not really the place to discuss EAs.
But in general, I can say that I have been earning quite well as an advisor, and not for the first year.
So you're wrong.
It's just that you have not got anything good to do....
If you do not know anything about it, you may think that it is better to use them for scoring.
But no, now I think it's crazy to think that way.