EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1252

strangerr писал(а) >>

My guess is that we will see the Euro much lower, not anytime soon, of course.

You got that right - look at the monthly chart, it shows the whole picture up to 1.1

strangerr писал(а) >>

Before you draw, please look at the monthly timeframe to see the direction of the move.

Well, that's the man I'm not going to compete with. Acknowledged as the world's No.1 in pronosis. Check out the picture:

The end of Global 4 is right around 1.1. >> that's where the C wave's going to go.

basile >>:
ну на 1.38 дорога открыта))))))))а там буду сссссссссел делать.
Alexan >>:

Ну вот с этим человеком я не буду соревноваться. Признан №1 в мире в пронозах. Фтыкайте картинку:

Конец 4-й глоюальной как раз на район 1.1 придется. Волна С туда пойдет

Well, that's how it's done.))
strangerr писал(а) >>

Well, that's the right thing.)))

Everything but everything... Neelie's got a D wave going there in place of your 1st. And a walk up to Gali's targets. And then a collapse. Doesn't mean his opinion is the only correct one.

Alexan >>:

Всё, да не всё... У Нили там волна Д идет на месте твоей 1-й. И прогулка вверх к Галиным целям. А потом уже обвал. Это конечно не означает, что его мнение единственно правильное.

Well, wouldn't it be the same if I marked with letters?))) Going up to 1.45 max now, and from there, fuck the stop.)))
strangerr писал(а) >>

Well, if I had marked with letters, wouldn't it be the same?)) Now we're going up to 1.45 max, and from there - fuck off)))

Letters are no longer an impulse, but a correction. I used to mark it that way myself at first - with letters for impulses. Then I got a little bit of that :)))

What shall we do on the news, people?

strangerr >>:

From there what?
gip писал(а) >>
From there what?

He meant - Pancake Day is coming, and fuuuut... :)))

gip >>:
Оттуда чего-чего?
