EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1237

Galina >>:


Моя система высчитывает взаимосвязи между валютами.

К Доу это никакого отношения не имеет.

Actually, it's probably wrong to write "my" system. Developing a trading system and trading robots somehow doesn't go over my head with your Russian. You live in Russia. I don't believe it's yours. I am not so easily fooled ;))))

Besides neuroba was bragging about something similar.

dentraf писал(а) >>

On your system, what reversals will there be?

Dax and Dow have gone to a new high.

Dax is above 6100, as above is not yet visible.

Dow above 10800, as above is not seen yet.

On the way to these highs will be an intermediate correction deep and stormy.

The Russian stock, I mean the RTS futures, looks like it is headed down to 150,500 at the moment.

But it's all very cloudy... I don't know if it will make a new high or not.

I don't have a position there yet.

It's not clear to me.

Don't be alarmed. It seems to be flying Last chance down.
Galina >>:

не знаю...

ал..ри вроди как ниче так компания.

но у них я не учавствовала.

я же просто так, для разминки что ли...

заодно систему свою в действии прогоняю, смотрю что к чему, какие огрехи в ней.

а когда на конкурсе просто азарт дополнительный, сразу интересно становится :)

I signed up there, the conditions are very unpleasant, 100,000 and leverage 1:10 I can't do that :(

ChachaGames писал(а) >>

I signed up there, the conditions are very unpleasant, 100,000 and leverage 1:10 I can't do that :(

Me neither :)))

gip писал(а) >>

Actually, it's probably wrong to write "my" system. Developing a trading system and trading robots somehow doesn't sit right with your Russian. You live in Russia. I don't believe it's yours. I am not so easily fooled ;))))

Besides neuroba was bragging about something similar.

No offence...

I don't care who thinks what :)

And as for the bots, I have two degrees in programming...

And I myself do not write bots :)

Friends help me, you know, that often happens :)))

why do the work when you can pass it on to someone else?

Your head should be busy with higher goals because it's all about ideas and writing bots is not that difficult.

And here on this forum ... anyone for 100 bucks will write it.

Believe me, it's not worth the time :).

Galina >>:

Ну не в обиду...

Мне все равно кто и что думает :)

А по поводу ботов, у меня две вышки одно Програмирование...

И при этом я сама ботов не пишу :)

Друзья помогают, знаете так часто бывает :)))

зачем делать работу, если ее мона переложить на кото то другого.

голова должна быть занята высшими целями, ведь все дело в идеях, а бота написать, не так ушь и сложно.

Да и здесь вон на форуме ... любой за 100 баков набросает.

Не на это поверьте мне надо время тратить :)

Reminds me of "if you can't get the job done, do it yourself" a clause in the bylaws of a major Russian company (no kidding) :)))))))

Galina >>:

А вот то, что мы сейчас наблюдаем.

Думаю какими ниясно, окольными путями еврик таки приковыляет на 1,3780

А там посмотрим, что делать.

I've overslept a lot.

Is this goal for what period of time?

Can it change over time (in case it is not achieved yet)?

ChachaGames писал(а) >>

Reminds me of "if you can't get the job done, do it yourself", a clause in the bylaws of one of Russia's biggest companies (no kidding) :)))))))

Isn't it Danone?

The rest of the news for today:

18:00 US Procurement Managers' Index for the non-manufacturing sector February 50.5 51.0
18:30 USA Crude oil stocks previous week 3.0 million barrels
22:00 USA Fed Beige Book

Alexan >>:

Не Danone ли?

Остаток новостей на сегодня:

18:00 США Индекс менеджеров по снабжению в непроизводственном секторе февраль 50.5 51.0

18:30 США Запасы сырой нефти предыдущая неделя 3.0 млн баррелей

22:00 США Бежевая книга ФРС

Nah, cooler, much cooler, although they may have copied it from someone else....